Brian M. replied to the topic 'Overlapping fields in Ekos' in the forum. 2 years ago

Thanks! That helped! Maximizing the Ekos window also helped fix it.

I guess there's just too much stuff on that tab. It would be nice if it was separated onto a sub-tabs, etc. so everything didn't get so crowded.


Brian M. created a new topic ' Overlapping fields in Ekos' in the forum. 2 years ago

I'm trying to run 64-bit Stellarmate OS 1.7.1 on a Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB. When I run Ekos, the fields and drop-down dialogs on the camera control tab area all bunched up and overlapping, making it impossible to use. Is this a bug, or is there something in my display settings? I'm running Stellarmate OS on the local machine and connecting via VNC. Thanks.


For me, the real value of a GPS dongle is for setting the time more than the location. If you're at a dark site with no wifi, the GPS dongle will solve both problems.


Perhaps my experience on the Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB will be of some use to others. FIrst, I had wanted to use a passively cooled case (aluminum) without a fan to conserve battery power in at remote locations that could also be mounted to my dovetail bar. That worked fine. Then I wanted to use USB 3.0 thumb drives and SSD. Bad combination. The metal case weakened the signal, then the USB 3.0 port completely jammed whatever signal was left. I got it to work using a USB Wifi Adapter (Panda PAU06 or PAUO9) in the 5GHz band, but the range was still limited to less than 50 feet through one exterior wall, and was somewhat unreliable. You may need to disable the Raspberry's on-board wifi, or at least use the network configuration tool to specify which adapter should be used. I was able to run the wifi adapter from either the USB 2.0 ports on the Raspberry Pi, or from a powered USB hub. It seemed to work better plugged directly into the Pi, perhaps because there was less 2.4GHz interference on the USB 2.0 ports. Now I'm thinking to ditch the aluminum case in favor of plastic one with a fan so that I can get better wifi performance.


Thanks for the reply.

For me, the hole point of using the wifi adapter is to avoid running long cables anywhere.

The wifi adapter itself came with a 6-ft USB cable, but I would prefer to mount the USB adapter directly into the USB hub, or perhaps with only a short extension so that I can mount it somewhere on the scope. I'm trying to set things up so that I only have one power cable coming from the rig, eveything else wireless. I want this to be something I can use at home or at remote locations from a nearby vehicle without running communication cables.


Are you sure the hotspot is running from the dongle and not the on-board wifi? I'm using a Raspberry Pi 4B (8GB) in a heavy metal case, which weakens the 5ghz wifi signal to almost nothing. I have some USB 3.0 devices plugged in that jam the 2.4ghz signal. So I'm trying to use an external dongle (Panda PAU09N) to give me a reliable 5ghz connection. In wifi mode (connected to my router), it works fine. But when I try to switch back to hotspot (AP) mode, the output from the dongle stops, and I am left with only the very weak 5ghz signal that barely escapes the metal case.


Brian M. replied to the topic 'Canon EOS Ra' in the forum. 4 years ago

Are there any updates on this for the Astroberry? I'm running a Canon 90D that uses CR3 files. When I capture a preview image, Ekos won't display the preview. If I run a capture sequence, it saves the CR3 files, but will not display the images as they are captured.

I've read that there may be some issues with libraw and CR3 format? If so, how do I upgrade to a newer version? I have only very limited Linux skills.



It worked! Thanks! I used the Software Update tool this rime. Last time I did the update from the command line using the apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. I doubt that made any difference, though.

Also, I tried to boot from a USB 3 thumb drive again. It boots, but the wifi still doesn't work (in either hot spot mode or connection to local wifi). I wonder if the the thumb drive is causing 2.4GHz interference? I may try a SSD or external USB wifi antenna to see if those will work. The USB boot isn't a deal breaker for me, just something I would like to do eventually.


I am using an 8GB Raspberry Pi 4B.

If I do an 'rpi-eeprom-update', it says:

CURRENT: Thu 03 Sep 2020 12:11:43 PM UTC (1599135103)
LATEST: Thu 03 Sep 2020 12:11:43 PM UTC (1599135103)

So it appears I have the latest stable firmware.

I downloaded 1.5.4 back in late August. I'm just now getting around to trying it out. The MD5 hash is DC49C06ABA5B3E24247116852FC299B9.

Should I download again?



Are you connecting directly to the 8GB Pi with a HDMI monitor, or are you connecting headless?

I tried installing Astroberry 2.0.3 on the Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB with a HDMI monitor attached. It crashed and froze every time. Then I installed it headless (connecting through SSH, noVNC, or VNC). Works like a charm. No problems doing updates.

I also have the latest firmware to boot from USB, but I couldn't get that to work, either.


I've got the same problem here. Just bought Stellarmate OS 1.5.4 and installed on my Raspberry Pi 8GB with a 128GB SD card. I can get it to boot initially, but can't connect or get response after update.

I also tried booting from USB 3.0, but for some reason the wifi won't work when I boot from the USB, so I can't connect with the app, VNC, etc.


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