Prasanna replied to the topic 'INDI with APACHE' in the forum. 4 years ago

0hh 0kay. I got confused with the --server option:

root@indi:~# indi-web -h
usage: indi-web [-h]

INDI Web Manager. A simple web application to manage an INDI server

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--indi-port INDI_PORT, -p INDI_PORT
indiserver port (default: 7624)
--port PORT, -P PORT Web server port (default: 8624)
--host HOST, -H HOST Bind web server to this interface (default:
--fifo FIFO, -f FIFO indiserver FIFO path (default: /tmp/indiFIFO)
--conf CONF, -c CONF INDI config. directory (default: /root/.indi)
--xmldir XMLDIR, -x XMLDIR
INDI XML directory (default: /usr/share/indi/)
--verbose, -v Print more messages
--logfile LOGFILE, -l LOGFILE
log file name
--server SERVER, -s SERVER
HTTP server [standalone|apache] (default: standalone
Thank you ofr the clarification.