jonathan created a new topic ' Olympus EM1 Mark II' in the forum. 4 years ago

First Post here. Been lurking and using Ekos for a short time and really like the software. My biggest problem right now is getting my Olympus EM1 Mark II to work with Ekos capture mode. I have followed some of the other posts here with people with the same issue and I know it centers around the libgphoto2 version. At lest I think that is the issue. I am also a Mac user. I was able to get libgphoto2 2.5.25 installed but how do I tell Kstars and Ekos to use that driver.

Also will the next version of Kstars be updated with that driver. As a Mac user I would love to be a beta tester.

Or am I just barking up the wrong tree?



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