Oliver replied to the topic 'Baud Rate 300 (yes 300)' in the forum. 4 years ago

So you can bridge from one baud rate to another? Interesting.
I take it I need to learn Linux to get this sorted.


Oliver replied to the topic 'Baud Rate 300 (yes 300)' in the forum. 4 years ago

Understand. Can you tell me how to send the baud rate or point me to a place where I can learn?


I read this thread with great interest, thanks for sorting this out!

Using the ASI ST4 driver, I can connect to my LX50 and push guide signals. However, I cannot select it as a mount driver in PHD2 (Astroberry on RPi3). On my windows setup I could guide using the ZWO USBST4 ASCOM driver in the same setup. Is there any way to get PHD2 to use the ASI ST4 driver as a mount?



Oliver created a new topic ' Baud Rate 300 (yes 300)' in the forum. 4 years ago

Having started just recently with INDI, I was surprised how easy everything works when following the guides. Thanks for everyone contributing to this!

My project is to get a 30-year-old Meade LX50 to run. Although it has no goto capability, It does have a serial port that allows RA/Dec readout. Although I can connect to the mount, I cannot get the RA/Dec information into EKOS. I believe it is related to the required baud rate of 300.
The Magellan II manual specifies the baud rate for the serial port to be 300, but the lowest selectable value for the LX200 Autostar driver (the one to be used as I have learned) is 9600. Is there any way to get the driver to accept the much lower value?



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