Great, thanks.
I'll check that out later when I'm at the laptop.

I use the Canon DSLR driver, not the gphoto one. Would that have the same setting to alter or would I be better changing to that driver?


Hi, a quick background in so far as Linux, Kstars, guiding and plate solving are all new to me so I'm guessing this will be user error.

I have downloaded astrometry files and also ASTAP and they are both working.
My Canon takes an image, the solver solves it and the mount slews to position. All good so far.
My issue is that it sometimes shows the previous image on screen, not the most recent one, and I think the solver is using that. Hence it never really solves as where the mount is pointing and where the image shows it's pointing are different.

This also happens when I just capture a preview when getting focus on a bright star. I take a capture, adjust focus slightly, take another capture and it brings the last one up again??

I hope I've explained that okay?

Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as I can't seem to sort it.



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    28. 03. 1973
  • About me
    Eq5, 130pds, Onstep goto, Canon 450d