Hello all, new X-T4 user here. I have been shooting with Astroberry using my old and beloved X-T10, guided by PHD2. As the X-T10 is not supported by gphoto I hoped I could finally control the camera through Ekos now with the X-T4 but it seems it's still very unstable.

Did you make any new progress / new insights using X-T3/4?


Hey Dave, have you been able to solve the issue? I'm facing the same thing with my new X-T4. I get the error "Unsupported bayer matrix GGGG". Is it an issue with EKOS?


Can anyone confirm ZWO ASI 120mm MINI will work with Astroberry on a RPi4 for PHD2 guiding? Thanks


@Aurnet I was planning to upgrade from my trusted X-T10 to an X-T1 because it lists as compatible in the gphoto compatibility list so I was hoping I can use it with Ekos. Did you try updating the firmware? Can you confirm it is still absolutely unusable with Ekos? I have a good deal I could pull off for just $250 which seems cheap for an X-T1...


Hi all

I'm wondering if an X-T1 or X-T2 can be used well with EKOS (Astroberry). I've seen they are both marked "working" on the gphoto list of compatible devices for all three rows but I've also read about users despite that not being able to use those cameras with EKOS.



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    18. 06. 1968
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    Designer, Programmer, Technologist