Hello all. First post here. I just pulled the trigger and ordered a StellarMate Plus. My scope has set idle for a few years due to family committments. The setup is a Skysensor 2000PC, Vixen R200SS, and a GP-DX mount. The Skysensor runs with a 32 bit ASCOM driver. Since all my machines here run on 64 bits, naturally I have a problem. Regardless of what others say about 32 bit drivers workig on Win64 systems, such was not the case here...and my confuserator skills are not up to the level needed to correct this issue quickly. My scope drive is working fine and nearly pristince. I did not want to upgrade my electronics as frankly the SS2KPC works great for me. So, I have abandoned any hope of using ASCOM as frankly any workarounds IMHO would be cumbersome kludges. Trying to run a 32 bit VM Win7 is not elegant. Long story short, we're going to give INDI/KStars/Ekos a try. The documentation tells me that my system should work.


Philip (Fleep)


Hello all. Just joined INDI after purchasing a StellarMate Plus. I am an electrical engineer, ham radio operator, Theremin Artist, and Father... Show more

  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    08. 09. 1965
  • About me
    Electrical Engineer, Ham Radio Operator