robert created a new topic ' Sony camera SIGSEGV fault' in the forum. 2 years ago

I been using INDI for two or three years
Anyway i have and still use it with various ZWO and canon cameras with zero issues, but i cannot get it to play nicely with my sony A7RIII. I also tried it with a sony A7 and I had the issues.
It will run for a while but sooner or lter (usually sooner) i will get a message stating indi_sony_ccd has stopped working and then kstars crashes.
If anyone can offer any insight or a solution i would be greatful.
I just did a quick 100 x 10sec sequence and it crashed after image 47.
Log attached,
Thanks in advance.


File Attachment:

File Name: indi_debug_log_23-02-09T00-24-10.txt
File Size: 5 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: indi_app_log_23-02-09T00-24-10.txt
File Size: 4 KB