Stop - I found what you have meant.
It's the tiny button right of the reset button.
There is an input for the "wall"


Where can I find: "Ekos capture module --> calibration" ?
I checked EKOS GUI and all directories in Raspberry filing system for capture.


Thank you very much!
I will test it next clear night ;-)



This will help for one telescope. But I am using 3 different scopes on a 10micron GM4000.
Can I add 3 different "landmarks" like Wall1, Wall2 and Wall3?
Will these names be displayed in the virtual handset and/or in KSTARS too?


That's fine for GOTO landmarks too. For me one of the most interesting "landmarks" is the flatfield panel.
Is there a chance to GOTO to this position if FLATFIELD is marked in camera module of EKOS?


I had the same. First it was a fuse inside of the shutter motor controller box (it was told so by the Polish engineers).
Now I have the same again, but the reason for this errors are the slip ring power transmission. If you rotate the dome then you can see the shutter power LED flickering. If the dome stops at a position without power then there is no connection to the slave - no connection by missing power. I have written a small script (work around). It is looking for connection. If there is no connection then the dome will be rotated by a fraction of a second. If it is connection then I am controlling the shutter. If not, then I am rotating the dome again ... and so on. The second way was to add a buffer battery inside of the moving part of the dome.
But this is not the way how it should work. Therefore we (including our lawyer) hope to get a repair by our local dealer.
The last way of operating the dome is to setup a much smaller controller by our own. It's much faster and more easy than to debug the arduino controller.
For shutter control we would do it at home position only including an inductive coupler without any mechanical contact. This is easy and save in operation.
Additionally the optical home sensor (sensitive to bugs and dust) must be exchanged to a reed contact.


Dear ScopeDomeFriends,

unfortunately we cannot test the new ArduinoVersion of the driver, due to hardware problems of the dome drive.

* Slip ring works unstable, sometimes there is no connection to the shutter-electronics

* temperature problem below 3°C. The motors stop suddenly while moving to destination position
then I have to wait for some minutes before they can be reanimated.

The Polish engineers want to help by online instruction, but we cannot do it by our own. Our local ScopeDomeDealer would accuse us to damage the hardware, but at the same time he don't want to fulfill European warranty regulations. Now we have to use lawyers and so on. Terrible situation never seen before!

Best regards



I tried to connect to both boxes via USB too.
lsusb has found the arduino card, but I wasn't able to get any answer by sending the commands listed in the pdf-manual :-( I tried many different combinations of baudrates and serial setups but no success.
But it was easy to connect via Ethernet (default) and curl command.


Thank you very much for this good news.
Actually I am waiting for the repair of my dome electronics. I sent it to ScopeDome/Poland last week.
ScopeDome offered me a very fast repair and return.
Then I will test your driver as soon as possible.

My problem isn't pairing. I tried it by pressing the buttons outside of the box and after opening the boxes I tried to connect by pressing the button on the PCB directly.


Great news! I can do beta testing for you. And you can connect to the my astroberry if you want to check your software in reality.
Last night we did PolarAlignment. But we will need next night additionally.
ScopeDome is moving automatically via my own driver, which is using the coordinates out of indi_getprop and transformed to ScopeDome-Azimut.
But it's only a provisional. So camera isn't waiting until end of movement and so on.

I hope to find the bug why the ScopeDome shutter stopped working (only emergency buttons are active). I don't have a Windows PC, but the Polish Manufacturer wants one with TeamViewer for debugging.


I noticed that the Arduino boards hangs up if you send commands too fast. Or if you press CNTRL-C while curl is still running.
Perhaps Arduino is limited to one or two html request(s) at the same time. Or it it not doing right garbage collection if there is a timeout or brake in protocol processing.


Dear jpaana,

curl is workling well.
Have a look to my ZIP some posts above.
Unfortunately commands are not blocking until finishing the job. So you have to check limit switches or something else additionally.



PS.: 2 day ago I brought a small parcel to the post office ;-) I hope you like the content.


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    04. 08. 1959
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    Sternwarte Feuerstein e.V.
    OES GmbH