Thorsten Bonck replied to the topic 'Driver usb-focus V.3' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thank you for the quick reply and enjoy your vacation!

Best Regards and Clear Skies!


Thorsten Bonck replied to the topic 'Driver usb-focus V.3' in the forum. 8 years ago

Dear all,

after an upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS, for me usbfocus-0.7-amd64 does not longer work as expected.
indi_usbfocus_focuser does connect as usual, but the absolute step count is reset to 0 and the device does not react to issued movement commands.
This happens every time, the focuser stays reset to absolute step count 0 – also using other devices (on Raspberry Pi it does work, though I have to move it manually to the correct position first; using a Windows PC and the ASCOM driver yields the same…)

Did I miss anything or could this be some failure regarding libraries/missing updates?

Best Regards and Clear Skies!



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