Is there a method to reduce the step size in the EKOS virtual handset for left right up and down buttons?


Dr. Frank Fleischmann replied to the topic 'Atik-EFW/windi/EKOS' in the forum. 3 years ago

LOG-File windi:
2021-11-24 22:23:46.53 LISTENER = INDI Amd64
2021-11-24 22:23:46.53 LISTENER = Starting server listener loop on
2021-11-24 22:24:37.92 LISTENER = Creating protocol handler #0
2021-11-24 22:24:38.35 LISTENER = Creating wrapper for ASCOM.Atik.Camera
2021-11-24 22:24:38.50 LISTENER = Creating wrapper for ACCServer.Focuser
2021-11-24 22:24:38.52 LISTENER = Creating protocol handler #1
2021-11-24 22:24:38.52 LISTENER = Creating wrapper for ASCOM.Atik.Camera
2021-11-24 22:24:38.52 HANDLER#0 = Starting protocol handler loop
2021-11-24 22:24:38.52 LISTENER = Creating wrapper for ACCServer.Focuser
2021-11-24 22:24:38.52 HANDLER#1 = Starting protocol handler loop
2021-11-24 22:24:38.58 HANDLER#1 > <getProperties device='ACCServer Focuser' version='1.7'/>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.58 HANDLER#0 > <getProperties device='ASCOM Atik Camera' version='1.7'/>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.60 HANDLER#1 < <defSwitchVector device="ACCServer Focuser" name="CONNECTION" label="Connection" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="0" timestamp="2021-11-24T22:24:38.6">
2021-11-24 22:24:38.60 HANDLER#1 < <defSwitch name="CONNECT" label="Connect">Off</defSwitch>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.60 HANDLER#1 < <defSwitch name="DISCONNECT" label="Disconnect">On</defSwitch>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.60 HANDLER#1 < </defSwitchVector>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.60 HANDLER#0 < <defSwitchVector device="ASCOM Atik Camera" name="CONNECTION" label="Connection" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="0" timestamp="2021-11-24T22:24:38.6">
2021-11-24 22:24:38.60 HANDLER#0 < <defSwitch name="CONNECT" label="Connect">Off</defSwitch>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.60 HANDLER#0 < <defSwitch name="DISCONNECT" label="Disconnect">On</defSwitch>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.60 HANDLER#0 < </defSwitchVector>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defTextVector device="ASCOM Atik Camera" name="DRIVER_INFO" label="Driver Info" group="Options" state="Idle" perm="ro" timeout="0" timestamp="2021-11-24T22:24:38.6">
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="DRIVER_NAME" label="Name">ASCOM Atik Camera</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="DRIVER_EXEC" label="Exec">INDI Server.exe</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="DRIVER_INTERFACE" label="Interface">2</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="SERVER" label="Server">INDI Server for Windows ver.</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="SOFTWARE_HOME" label="Home URL">www.cloudmakers.eu
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < </defTextVector>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#1 < <defTextVector device="ACCServer Focuser" name="DRIVER_INFO" label="Driver Info" group="Options" state="Idle" perm="ro" timeout="0" timestamp="2021-11-24T22:24:38.6">
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#1 < <defText name="DRIVER_NAME" label="Name">ACCServer Focuser</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#1 < <defText name="DRIVER_EXEC" label="Exec">INDI Server.exe</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#1 < <defText name="DRIVER_INTERFACE" label="Interface">8</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#1 < <defText name="SERVER" label="Server">INDI Server for Windows ver.</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#1 < <defText name="SOFTWARE_HOME" label="Home URL">www.cloudmakers.eu
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#1 < </defTextVector>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 > <getProperties version="1.7"/>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defSwitchVector device="ASCOM Atik Camera" name="CONNECTION" label="Connection" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="0" timestamp="2021-11-24T22:24:38.6">
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defSwitch name="CONNECT" label="Connect">Off</defSwitch>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defSwitch name="DISCONNECT" label="Disconnect">On</defSwitch>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < </defSwitchVector>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#1 > <enableBLOB device="ACCServer Focuser">
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defTextVector device="ASCOM Atik Camera" name="DRIVER_INFO" label="Driver Info" group="Options" state="Idle" perm="ro" timeout="0" timestamp="2021-11-24T22:24:38.6">
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="DRIVER_NAME" label="Name">ASCOM Atik Camera</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="DRIVER_EXEC" label="Exec">INDI Server.exe</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="DRIVER_INTERFACE" label="Interface">2</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="SERVER" label="Server">INDI Server for Windows ver.</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="SOFTWARE_HOME" label="Home URL">www.cloudmakers.eu
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < </defTextVector>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defSwitchVector device="ACCServer Focuser" name="CONNECTION" label="Connection" group="Main Control" state="Idle" perm="rw" rule="OneOfMany" timeout="0" timestamp="2021-11-24T22:24:38.6">
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defSwitch name="CONNECT" label="Connect">Off</defSwitch>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defSwitch name="DISCONNECT" label="Disconnect">On</defSwitch>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < </defSwitchVector>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defTextVector device="ACCServer Focuser" name="DRIVER_INFO" label="Driver Info" group="Options" state="Idle" perm="ro" timeout="0" timestamp="2021-11-24T22:24:38.6">
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="DRIVER_NAME" label="Name">ACCServer Focuser</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="DRIVER_EXEC" label="Exec">INDI Server.exe</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="DRIVER_INTERFACE" label="Interface">8</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="SERVER" label="Server">INDI Server for Windows ver.</defText>
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < <defText name="SOFTWARE_HOME" label="Home URL">www.cloudmakers.eu
2021-11-24 22:24:38.61 HANDLER#0 < </defTextVector>
2021-11-24 22:24:39.66 HANDLER#0 > <enableBLOB device="ASCOM Atik Camera">


Dr. Frank Fleischmann replied to the topic 'Atik-EFW/windi/EKOS' in the forum. 3 years ago

2021-11-24T22:24:48 ASCOM Atik Camera ist nicht verbunden.
2021-11-24T22:24:44 ACCServer Focuser focuser is online.
2021-11-24T22:24:37 V4L2 CCD ist verbunden.
2021-11-24T22:24:36 Nachführungs-Port von LX200 10micron ist bereit.
2021-11-24T22:24:36 LX200 10micron ist verbunden.
2021-11-24T22:24:36 LX200 10micron ist verbunden.
2021-11-24T22:24:36 Die INDI-Dienste wurden auf Port 7624 gestartet.
2021-11-24T22:24:36 Die INDI-Dienste werden gestartet ...


Dr. Frank Fleischmann created a new topic ' Atik-EFW/windi/EKOS' in the forum. 3 years ago

while using astroberry, indi and Atik camera with embedded filterwheel  EKOS produced hangups (a well known problem).
Then I connected the Atik via ASCOM to an existing Win10 PC and windi.
But the camera seems to be switched off if EKOS connects the remote windi server.
The Atik capture software is running without any problems at the Win10 PC.
An ASA focuser is working in parallel by the same way without any problems too.
I cannot detect any mistakes made by myself.
Do you have some good help?
Best greetings and always ClearSkies


Dr. Frank Fleischmann replied to the topic 'KSTARS + EKOS windows' in the forum. 3 years ago

Dear Jasem,

thank you very much for your ultrafast answer.
I checked the forum before by many search runs - but without any success.
A real brain like yours is much better :-)

Best regards + ClearSkies



Dr. Frank Fleischmann created a new topic ' KSTARS + EKOS windows' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hello Friends,

is there a way to disconnect the EKOS window from KSTARS window?
In some cases it would be much better to get KSTARS in front of EKOS by one klick only.
Actually it's necessary to shift or resize EKOS and return to the old size/location after having a look to KSTARS afterwards.

Best regards



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    04. 08. 1959
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    Sternwarte Feuerstein e.V.
    OES GmbH