I have come across something odd I do not understand and may explain some issues I have had.

I have been mostly using windows Remote Desktop via ethernet to run the RPi remotely and mostly seems to work fine. occasionally use the browser with " astroberry.local/desktop/ " .

So this time I have used Remote Desktop and all seems to work but I had a monitor and keyboard plugged directly to the RPi as well because I needed to set the configuration for ethernet which it did not seem to let me do remotely.

The odd bit is that screen plugged into the RPI had the astroberry background and I could use the keyboard to open programs such as KStars, EKOS PHD2 etc and they appeared on the screen plugged into the RPi but not on my remote desktop. Conversely I could then open up the same programs on the remote desktop but they did not appear on the screen plugged into rpI.

So I am guessing I have two instances of Astroberry server running somehow.

If I use the browser to operate the Pi then the same appears on the screen as the RPi screen.

So can anybody explain exactly what is going on here and can I operate my scope with Astroberry and windows remote desktop. I have had instances when I try to open INDI panel and it says an instance is already running so this may explain that but am I okay to say just use remote desktop to operate my equipment, it is just odd that mostly it does seem to work even though if I plug a screen into RPi it is not changing anything on the screen. I guess I just do not understand what is meant by Astroberry Server.
