DerPit wrote:
Well, AFAIK "Slew to target" <strong>does</strong> sync and then moves to the target. "Sync" will only sync, but stay wherever you are.
There is an option in Align, under Scale&Positions, to use differential slewing instead of syncing. I think it's intended for mounts that build their own pointing system. What is your mount and your setting of this option?

I’m using an EQ6-R Pro and I have the differential slewing unchecked.

I suppose I wasn’t super clear: after the meridian flip is accomplished, the align module starts. It completes it’s first iteration and notes that I’m misaligned by a few thousand arcsec. Instead of fixing the misalignment, it appears to choose a ‘new target’ at or near the center of the field of view. It then begins a second align iteration, finds its maybe 100 arc seconds away, and slews to this ‘new target’ rather than the original one.

In my image, my desired target was M65, while this ‘new target’ was the NGC target.

Generally, when I send a goto command from Kstars, the mount slews to it and aligns no problem. This was new to me. I’ll note that I was using the scheduler, though was probably only my second night doing so. Also for clarity: The ‘new target’ from the NGC catalog (redundant, I know) was not on the observation list/schedule. It came out of nowhere.