Not sure if Orion got back to you - I know they've been understandably overwhelmed.

I found a solution which appears to work. It's based on a couple of threads including these:

Long story short, I added the following line in 85-qhyccd.rules file in section 2, the pre-enumerated device IDs:
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="29a2", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -t fx2 -I /lib/firmware/qhy/QHY5II.HEX -D $env{DEVNAME}"

Again, it seems to work: the camera connects, takes images, and doesn't seem to throw any errors/warnings that aren't expected based on my test setup.

Hopefully this helps someone else - and maybe it's worth adding into the next release to add the capability for the SSAG Pro.
