John Stern replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Reinstalled ABerry (rPi4), installed sv305 and everything works! Now, before I delve into the minutiae, what are some common settings folks here are using for guiding with the sv305 (not the Pro version) ? From comments I'll probably use PHD2, and this will be the *first* time I'm using guided capture, so I'll be spending some time in simulation to get a feel. Any recommendations are helpful - my equipment are: azeq5 mount, sv305 guider through a 60mm SVBONY guide scope, ZWO asi294MC (uncooled) through an Orion f4 Mak Cass (extended to something like 2300mm and thus narrower effective fstop). Targets will start with moon and bright planets, then I'll want to quickly seek out some darker stuff. Thanks for the great help from the forum!