Greetings! And thank you for all the effort going in to a linux based astronomy solution!

I'm in the process of migrating my workflows from an old Windows XP laptop (I know!) to a slightly newer Ubuntu based one and found INDI but am having no end of problems :-(

The old system is IBM Thinkpad X41 / ASCOM / EQMOD / Stellarium / Firecapture / Astrostakkert etc and all works as expected with my AZ-EQ6 mount and ZWO ASI462MC camera (amongst others).

The new system is IBM Thinkpad T410i running Ubuntu 20.04LTS with INDI / KSTARS (latest stable as of 7/30)

Problem #1 is the mount. I'm selecting EQMOD as the Telescope type and choosing the correct USB port (/dev/ttyUSB1) and connecting to the hand controller as I always do in PC DIRECT mode. I know this isn't ideal, but it has always worked reliably for me in windows at least. Connection fails 80% of the time, often with 'another process is using /dev/ttyUSB1'. I have now used udev to force the USB connection to always be /dev/ttyUSB.EQM which seems to make this a little more reliable, but it won't hold a connection for more than 30 seconds - it connects, I see the mount information, and then when KSTARS syncs the date and time and place, it seems that upsets the mount and it drops the connection. I've never been able to slew the scope or see where KSTARS thinks it is pointing.

QUESTION: Is anyone else using PC-DIRECT (ie connecting to the handset) on an AZ-EQ6 with KSTARS successfully? Any clues what I'm doing wrong? I tried turning on debug logs but that didn't seem to change anything which seemed odd.

Problem #2 is the camera. All I get is CCD error (16) from the ZWO driver. The camera works just fine on the same laptop with Firecapture

QUESTION: Is the ASI 462MC (new camera) supported by the INDI driver?

Seems like lots of folks are using this all successfully, so it must be something my end, but as a technical bod I'm finding it frustrating I haven't been able to make it work yet.

Thanks for any clues ...



Greetings! And thank you for all the effort going in to a linux based astronomy solution!

I'm in the process of migrating my workflows from an old Windows XP laptop (I know!) to a slightly newer Ubuntu based one and found INDI but am having no end of problems :-(

The old system is IBM Thinkpad X41 / ASCOM / EQMOD / Stellarium / Firecapture / Astrostakkert etc and all works as expected with my AZ-EQ6 mount and ZWO ASI462MC camera (amongst others).

The new system is IBM Thinkpad T410i running Ubuntu 20.04LTS with INDI / KSTARS (latest stable as of 7/30)

Problem #1 is the mount. I'm selecting EQMOD as the Telescope type and choosing the correct USB port (/dev/ttyUSB1) and connecting to the hand controller as I always do in PC DIRECT mode. I know this isn't ideal, but it has always worked reliably for me in windows at least. Connection fails 80% of the time, often with 'another process is using /dev/ttyUSB1'. I have now used udev to force the USB connection to always be /dev/ttyUSB.EQM which seems to make this a little more reliable, but it won't hold a connection for more than 30 seconds - it connects, I see the mount information, and then when KSTARS syncs the date and time and place, it seems that upsets the mount and it drops the connection. I've never been able to slew the scope or see where KSTARS thinks it is pointing.

QUESTION: Is anyone else using PC-DIRECT (ie connecting to the handset) on an AZ-EQ6 with KSTARS successfully? Any clues what I'm doing wrong? I tried turning on debug logs but that didn't seem to change anything which seemed odd.

Problem #2 is the camera. All I get is CCD error (16) from the ZWO driver. The camera works just fine on the same laptop with Firecapture

QUESTION: Is the ASI 462MC (new camera) supported by the INDI driver?

Seems like lots of folks are using this all successfully, so it must be something my end, but as a technical bod I'm finding it frustrating I haven't been able to make it work yet.

Thanks for any clues ...



Fixed it!

Downloaded the SDK from ASI and swapped the symlink for to point to the new library rather than the old one.

rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1773128 Aug  7 07:28 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ <--- OLD VERSION FROM INDI
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2068128 Aug  9 15:30 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ <--- NEW VERSION FROM ASI

Don't know how to fix this properly in INDI, but the above should make it easy to fix for anyone else.


Found this on the ZWO website about the new SDK released on 6/29

V 1.15.0617 2020.6.17
Fix some bugs
Add new camera ASI462MC

I imagine this is may be the problem. Sorry I can't yet build indi from source to try the idea above.


No real difference with Ekos -

2020-08-07T14:49:04 INDI services started on port 7624.
2020-08-07T14:49:04 Starting INDI services...
2020-08-07T14:49:03 INDI services stopped.
2020-08-07T14:48:45 Unable to establish:
Please ensure the device is connected and powered on.


I found the way it handled equipment very non-intuitive. It worked connecting the mount that way and so it seemed logical for the camera to work the same way. I was starting just by using Kstars to control the mount and was then using Firecapture for imaging but wanted to hook up the camera to kstars as well so that I could evaluate moving off Firecapture (more likely for DSO work).

I'll head off to RTFM and see if that help ;-)


Sorry, maybe my terminology is incorrect - I mean doing this;

KSTARS Tools -> Devices -> Device Manager, select ZWO CCD in the CCD section, click "Run Service" to run "the ZWO service"


OK, installed ASIStudio, camera works as expected. Re-tried INDI since the installation process added some rules - no change from my previous report. Does not work :-(


I works fine with Firecapture on the same system, I don't use ASIStudio.


OK I've tried the nightly build and am testing on Build: 2020-08-06T10:33:03Z

Behaviour is;

1) Unplug camera, run the ZWO service, get an error message about no ASI camera found as expected
2) Plug in camera, stop the ZWO service and run again, the INDI control panel pops open as expected
3) Camera is named randomly, this time it is ZWO CCD >V
4) Click Connect - get [ERROR] Error connecting to the CCD (16)

So no crashes on the nightly build, but still isn't working. This is one of the most recent ZWO cameras.


Interesting, didn't know I had to restart for the debug option to work? Saw your earlier post and initially didn't seem to make a difference, however now, after enabling debug and restarting, I now get this log;

2020-08-06T02:23:09: startup: /usr/bin/indiserver -v -p 7624 -m 300 -r 0 -f /tmp/indififo2c41788d 
2020-08-06T02:23:09: listening to port 7624 on fd 3
FIFO: start indi_asi_ccd
FIFO: Starting driver indi_asi_ccd
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: pid=112493 rfd=4 wfd=7 efd=8
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Client 5: new arrival from - welcome!
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_PIER_SIDE
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Rotator Simulator.ABS_ROTATOR_ANGLE
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Focuser Simulator.ABS_FOCUS_POSITION
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on SQM.SKY_QUALITY
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: *** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 112493 died
2020-08-06T02:23:09: Driver indi_asi_ccd: Terminated after #0 restarts.
FIFO: stop indi_asi_ccd
dp->name: indi_asi_ccd - tDriver: indi_asi_ccd
FIFO: start indi_asi_ccd
FIFO: Starting driver indi_asi_ccd
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: pid=112923 rfd=4 wfd=8 efd=9
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_PIER_SIDE
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Rotator Simulator.ABS_ROTATOR_ANGLE
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Focuser Simulator.ABS_FOCUS_POSITION
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on SQM.SKY_QUALITY
2020-08-06T02:23:20: Driver indi_asi_ccd: *** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated
2020-08-06T02:23:21: Driver indi_asi_ccd: stderr EOF
2020-08-06T02:23:21: Driver indi_asi_ccd: Terminated after #0 restarts.
Child process 112923 died
FIFO: stop indi_asi_ccd
dp->name: indi_asi_ccd - tDriver: indi_asi_ccd
FIFO: start indi_asi_ccd
FIFO: Starting driver indi_asi_ccd
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: pid=112938 rfd=4 wfd=8 efd=9
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_PIER_SIDE
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Rotator Simulator.ABS_ROTATOR_ANGLE
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Focuser Simulator.ABS_FOCUS_POSITION
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on SQM.SKY_QUALITY
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: *** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 112938 died
2020-08-06T02:23:25: Driver indi_asi_ccd: Terminated after #0 restarts.

So basically trapped in a buffer overflow loop.




As per title, ZWO ASI462MC won't work (previous mount problem resolved by using EQ DIRECT cable) :-(

Camera connects and works fine with FireCapture on the same system - Ubuntu 20.04

Output of lsusb shows this as the device;

Bus 002 Device 010: ID 03c3:462b  ]
Note the name is empty - is that normal?

When I connect with KSTARS I only ever get [ERROR] Error connecting to the CCD (16)

Driver shows as indi_asi_ccd version 7 interface 6

KSTARS 3.4.3 Build: 2020-07-20T13:52:15Z

Any help appreciated.



knro wrote: AFAIK, all ZWO cameras should work fine. Everything installed from the official PPA?

Thanks, I originally installed latest stable from the instructions at which gave me kstars 3.4.1. This morning I've used kstars-bleeding and now have 3.4.3

I launch kstars, goto tools -> devices and then run service on the ZWO CCD option. In the log window I get this;
2020-08-03T16:28:14: startup: /usr/bin/indiserver -v -p 7624 -m 300 -r 0 -f /tmp/indififo96dfbffd 
2020-08-03T16:28:14: listening to port 7624 on fd 3
FIFO: start indi_asi_ccd
FIFO: Starting driver indi_asi_ccd
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: pid=9482 rfd=4 wfd=7 efd=8
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Client 5: new arrival from - welcome!
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_PIER_SIDE
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Rotator Simulator.ABS_ROTATOR_ANGLE
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on Focuser Simulator.ABS_FOCUS_POSITION
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME
2020-08-03T16:28:14: Driver indi_asi_ccd: snooping on SQM.SKY_QUALITY

When I launch the INDI control panel I see a tab for ZWO CCX xU, the driver is listed as exec indi_asi_ccd version 7 interface 6

When I click on connect, I get;
2020-08-03T16:32:57: [ERROR] Error connecting to the CCD (16)

FWIW the ASI462MC is the latest camera from ZWO, but it's working fine with Firecapture etc which hasn't made any special consideration for it, so I don't think it's that.

Is there a command line way I can try any tests of the camera?


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