Jacqui Greenland replied to the topic 'Weird GoTo Problem' in the forum. 2 years ago

This is super Interesting because exactly the same thing has been happening to be this week.

AZGti Mount using EQMOD all running on an RPi 4, Kstars 3.5.4 stable, Nikon DSLR, time and position provided by GPS dongle, literally zero changes to the software side of the setup since it was used at the end of September.

However first night out this week I had exactly the same problem as you occurring, tried to troubleshoot for hours but it was the middle of the night and I was still quite jetlagged. Tried clearing mount data, parking position, checking GPS data, timezone etc etc - all the same as you, but it didn't matter - I'd plate solve at the NCP then as I started to slew away and take new solves to get the goto accuracy it just went the opposite direction constantly.

2nd night, setup, same software, kit etc, same workflow, works first time, slewing the right direction and everything, bring the kit in due to wind and then go back out later, problem is back with literally no changes from earlier.

3rd night, same problem, used guide camera instead of main camera to sync mount, works perfectly ... At one point it also told me that it would cross the meridian during polar alignment which seemed odd.

So random question - what latitude are you at ? The only difference for us between the last time we used the rig, without any of these issues, and now is latitude. Normally we live at approx 51.5 and the last trip was to Nevada at 36 degrees, but this time we're in Hawaii at 19 degrees and I'm wondering if being that close to the equator starts to cause issues as really it's the only variable in the whole rig that has changes beyond the miniscule tolerance differences in alignment and mounting points!

Sorry I could be more help to correct it, I haven't found a good solution but flipping between which camera I use to sync positions seems to help.