Jordi Sesé replied to the topic 'Joystick' in the forum. 10 months ago

Hi All,

I have been able to connect a simple aliexpress gamepad to Ekos in a Mac environment, but I have an issue (I guess) with the read values. I do not know whether it is EQMOD driver related, or if it can be fixed anyway.

First of all, how I enabled it, i case someone wants to try this, too:
- I have used the free Indigo Server to have a remote indi server (localhost:7664 in my case) just for the gamepad, since it includes an HID Joystick driver that detects it. The important thing to do is to write down the devicename (in my case USB gamepad #14200000)
- In the Ekos profile editor, I add the connection ("devicename"@localhost:7664) to the remote server at the end (Remote field) after all other devices.
This brings me a new tab with the remote device, with all its options.
- In the EQMOD options tab, enable Joystick, enter devicename in the Snoop joystick field
- In the EQMOD Joystick tab, enter the AXIS options corresponding to the gamepad axis I want to use for N/S and W/E
- After that, Save EQMOD driver options

With this done, when I press the axis button the mount moves to the right direction, but after relasing the axis button, it keeps moving in NW direction, regardless the movement I pressed. In the original (remote) driver tab, the buttons get pressed/released correctly, it is just happening in the EQMOD part.
I guess it may be because the idle value of the axis is not zero, but -258. After noticing that, I have tested an XBOX controler from my son (through bluetooth), and it does the very same; the idle values are also not zero, and even bigger.

Any ideas about this?

I will try to test with a remote linux box with the original joystick driver and will report the results.

If you have any input on what to try, it would be great. Thanks for your help.
