Hello all,

I wanted to let you know that I found out how to get it working. Here is what I seem to have to do:
1) Un-plug the GPS un-plugged before I power on the system.
2) Power on the system
3) Start up the GPSD service (if not set to start automatically)
4) Plug in the GPS

All of that seems to get it to work well.
Not sure if that is how it is supposed to be - but hey! Super happy it is working.



Just replying to see if anyone has any thoughts here.

Help greatly appreciated!



I have setup the GPSD and the GPS unit was working fine for a test.
Then today, I moved it to a different USB port because I realized I plugged it into a USB3 port on the RPi so I thought I’d move it over to a different port. But, GPSD never seems to find it now on the new port (the port I’d prefer to use). The good news is, it still works on the original port I plugged it into but I would like to move ports.
How do I move the GPS to a new port?

All help would be greatly appreciated.



Hello all,

I wanted to report that I solved the issue by turning of the gps simulator.

Question: Why isn't the GPS sim turned of by default when you activate the GPSD?



Brett Humphrey created a new topic ' Help requested: GPS setup' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hello all,

I plan to do some traveling with a small, lightweight setup. Given I’ll be traveling I wanted to add a GPS to my Pi4 setup. I decided to pick up this little GPS unit:
Inexpensive GPS

It doesn’t seem to quite work yet and so I started reading here:
GPS Setup Docs

I turned off the virtual GPS.
I turned on the GPSD in the INDI setup (or so I think I did).
But still, when I check out the GPS status, I have been seeing the “Fix” = “waiting” for over 20 minutes and no GPS data shows up in the GPS info.

Does anyone have thoughts or pointers to how I may get this up and running?

Thank you for your time and help with this,



I am having trouble when looking at the image under the "Capture" app.
I am getting flashing with banding as shown here.

Any thoughts on what is causing this and if I can avoid have this happen?

Thank you for your time and help.




I am doing a little digging on how to setup my AZ GTI over WIFI with astroberry (if possible).

When I look here:
It seems that I should be able to set this up.

What I am unclear on with the astroberry system is:
1) What UI do I use to setup the connection?
2) When looking at the astroberry UI through the web interface that says: "Remote Driver" and shows a sample string of "driver1@removehost1" - do I need to fill something in there?

A few notes on my overall goals:
1) To have the RPi4 do guiding, and image acquisition
2) Use a PC in the house to
a) run Stellarium to find and target items
b) to do stacking of images as they come in
(i'm open to having the RPi4 do this... but figured maybe a PC would handle the load better...)

Notes on my configuration:
1) RPI 4
2) Latest astroberry setup as of yesterday
3) AS GTi running on my network - I can connect to it via my iPhone and my Windows setups with the app

Other thoughts:
1) Some good news I thought was:
a) I've got my camera working with the capture software --- so that is super cool!
b) I am able to connect up to the RPi4 and everything seems to be running well on the software side
2) I have done work with SharpCap Pro on and have had the system running in the past on that setup, but would like to have the system guide and do it's thing without the need to have my PC connected all the time... and... I happen to have an RPi4 - so what the heck - thought i'd try it out. :)

Any thoughts, suggestions, pointers to tutorials/walkthrough I missed are all greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your time and help,


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    14. 06. 1973
  • About me
    I am learning how to do astrophotography …
    I have a AZ-Gti mount, an Apetura 60, and a ZWO camera... with lots of room to learn!