Damiano Callari and 5 others have liked Jasem Mutlaq's Profile 1 year ago
Collin replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Jasem,

Thanks for your answer.

I think I will choose this option :

<< - Try to mix the INDI Controls and the SVBony SDK, with extra controls ? >>

Best regards !



Collin replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Nigel,

I agree with you, pointless and sensitive.

<< Is there some form of reset to defaults call that could be made when the indi driver is initialised otherwise people are just going to keep hitting what seems like random errors? >>

I don't know yet. I have to explore the APIs deeper.

Best regards,



Hi Doug,

Thanks. I indeed saw your previous topic. Very instructive.
Sent you a reply by PM.

Best regards !



Collin replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi folks,

I'm working on the temperature control on the SV405CC, and I have a question.

The SVBony SDK controls for camera cooling are somewhat different from the INDI default controls.

SVBony provides :

- Powering the cooler ON/OFF
- Setting the cooler power (0 - 100%)
- Reading the current temperature
- Setting the target temperature

INDI provides :

- Setting the target temperature
- Setting the cooling/warming ramp
- Setting the temperature hysteresis

What should I do ?

- Try to wrap all the SVBony controls onto the INDI controls, and only them ?
- Try to mix the INDI Controls and the SVBony SDK, with extra controls ?
- Provide only the SVBony controls, as a proprietary panel, without the INDI default controls ?

Please notice that I don't have the camera yet (waiting for delivery), so, I'm note able to see how the SDK controls really act.

Best regards !



Collin replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hello Nigel,

SVBony introduced the ability to store the settings in a recent SDK :

<< SVBCAMERA_API SVB_ERROR_CODE SVBSetAutoSaveParam(int iCameraID, SVB_BOOL enable); >>

I don't use this feature. In my mind, it's the wrong way to go. The settings should be stored in the client software, not at low level, or you may experience
the issue you just discovered.

Sadly, AstroDMX seems to use it.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Best regards,



Collin replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Nigel,

Your images look a bit out of focus.

When guiding with a color camera, I usually use bin 2x2, to avoid debayer artifacts.
The SV305 sensor (imx290) has a pretty small pitch (2.9um). Unless you image at very long focal length, I think you will get better results, with better SNR.

Best regards,



Hi !

I think there is still many things to think of before embedding temperature compensation in the INDI::CCD main class.
I'm also working on the new SV405CC support, and my time is sadly pretty limited (just remind me, what are job and family used for ? So time consuming...)
So, my proposal is to provide temperature compensation just for the ASI focuser at this time, as an "experimental" feature. I'm preparing a PR.

I digged a bit the snooping capabilities, but didn't figured out how the catch the main ccd capture state yet.
I will look further.

Best regards !



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