Hi, after updating my entire astroberry, I have UI glitches on PHD2. The -/+ buttons on the graph window of PHD2 are only partially visible (red circles in the attachment "screenshot-new") and also the background color shows black background where some text is displayed (red arrow) . While the background color is a nuisance, the barely visible + button is quite annoying. Also, the old version 2.6.9 showed +/- above one another (see "screenshot-old"), the new version has them next to each other, wasting valuable space (in particular on small screens).Any help on what is going on and what I could do is appreciated.cheersStephan


Just to confirm the issue: I have no GPS reception (NEO 6M Board connected to the Rapi GPIO) as soon as I plugin the ASI120 into USB3! What a bummer! Not only did it take me forever to pinpoint this issue, it is als frustrating because I rely on the GPS for position and time when I am out in the field... I will try to tinker with it a little bit (placement of antenna etc.), but I am not hopeful


Stephan replied to the topic 'Astroberry Help' in the forum. 3 years ago

Here is something to try: You can define the priority in which astroberry tries to make connections. Use the "manage networks" from the rasberry control tab to define your connections (home wifi, astroberry hotspot, ethernet cable) and give them a priority in which astroberry tries to make these connections. I use ehternet and hotspot with highest priority, then home wifi, then cell phone hotspot.
See the forum entry of "endless-sky" here for a more detailed description: www.cloudynights.com/topic/753382-trying...-a-wired-connection/


All right,
this is what I found out. There are (at least) two issues going on:
The missing variable names in "imageformatcf" and "capturesettings" show up after version 2.5.22 of libgphoto2. Up to 2.5.22, the variables are displayed correctly with my Canon 1000d.
The problem with the focus module being unable do load the pictures when saved to SDCard is happening after indi-gphoto-ccd version 2.9. The 3.0 version (included in indilib-3rdparty-driver 1.8.6 and higher) shows the erroneous behavior. This, also, seems to be happening only with my Canon 1000d.
So, right now, I have compiled a version of kstars 3.5.2stable together with indi-gphoto-ccd version 2.9 (from indilib-3rdparty-driver release 1.8.5) using libgphoto2 version 2.5.22.
This works for me for now, but still, it would be nice if one of the developers could check into both issues...


Thanks Maria, at least I am not alone and this makes me feel encouraged already. In the meantime, I am trying to do more tests to pinpoint the problem better.


So, I did some more research. It seems to be an issue with my Canon 1000d. If I attach my Canon 760d, everything works fine, including the values in "imageformatcf" and "capturesettings". In the older version it workes fine with my Canon 1000d.
Any idea on what I can do or where this comes from? Any help is greatly appreciated.


I need some help...
I have two RaspberryPIs, one running a kstars-ekos combination which was mostly compiled from source, and one with Astroberry upgraded to latest version. Both run kstars 3.5.2 stable, but the Astroberry version has gphoto 3.0 vs. the gphoto 2.9 from the hand-compiled Raspi. This is the one having the issue:
If I connect my Canon DSLR, and I set the target to save the images to "SDCard" rather than "RAM" (because I like to have the pictures on card), the focus module cannot find the pictures anymore and reports failed exposures. This works fine with gphoto 2.9 on the compiled-from-source Raspi.
I also noted, that on the Indi Control Panel of Kstars, on the "Canon DSLR EOS 1000d" tab (where I also set the preference to RAM or SDCard) under the tab "imgsettings", the value for "imageformatcf" shows "unknown_value 400". Also under the tab "capturesettings", the value for "bracketmode" also shows "unknown_value 0000".
Both of these variables show fine under version 2.9 (as "RAW" and two values 0 and 0 respectively).
On a side note - the capture module works fine and displays the pictures, even when they are saved to SDCard. Only the focus module has an issue with this.
Here are my questions: Could there be a problem with the newer 3.0 version of gphoto or am I doing something else wrong? Can I downgrade the gphoto driver to 2.9 on the Astroberry and how can I do that (where would I find source code for 2.9)? 
Please help - The alternative of saving into RAM is really cumbersome with the Astroberry since it requires extra work to get it off there and on my main picture editing machine.
Thanks for any help.


Stephan replied to the topic 'Summary screen doesn't show captures' in the forum. 4 years ago

I encountered the same issue, but it worked once I saved the pictures as fits, not as native (cr2). This is kind of ok, but the file size of fits is still twice as much as cr2 for me, so I would love to have this work with cr2 instead of fits.
Also, the cr2 showed up in a separate kstars viewer, but without any controls in the viewer - so not very useful.
Best regards


Hi Eric and Wolfgang,
after installation of a swap file, I was successful in compiling Kstars and Ekos from source. Now I have Version 3.4.3 (before it showed 3.4.2). With this I don`t encounter the crashes as I did before. So, Thank you both for helping!
I will do some more testing and if I encounter strange behaviour again, I will tell you. As for now, this thread can be closed.
Thanks and have a great day.


Hello Eric,
thanks for helping me out. How will I get the code to my Raspi? Do I need to install it as described here : www.indilib.org/download/raspberry-pi.html
or do I need to compile from source?


Hello Wolfgang,
I tried to compile from source, but was unsuccessful (make reported an error after about 34%). Then it was too late to investigate. I will try again tonight.
Best regards


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