I am trying to setup my automated dome with NexDome and iOptron CEM60EC Mount (iEQ Driver).  The mount and dome work great on their own, I can command them to go where I want.  (I am running NexDome firmware 4.0).  When I try to slave the dome to the mount, it seems to work and the dome moves but then after mount / dome stop moving the dome starts up and begins moving again and it seems to always be this 319.5 deg position.  After it gets there it will then go back to where it was previously (where the scope was).  This continues indefinatly until I restart the indiserver application on my Linux Machine.   If I try to abort the move it will stop that move but will continue in its ping pong a few seconds later.  If I try to cmd it to move some where else it will say it can't do that until the previous move is complete.  

I am not sure what is going on...is this some driver / firmware issue or a INDI driver issue?  I have tried INDI 1.9.0 as well as my previous version INDI 1.8.6 and both seemed to have the same issues.  I poked through the NexDome driver but couldn't see anything that would cause this, to me it's like maybe it thinks it should be at some Az but the Az doesn't match the Az of the mount so then it moves again, but I don't get why it always is 319.5.  Any help / ideas would be great!


ah copy thanks. I couldn't tell if it was system time or via telescope w/GPSD service. Thanks!


So this maybe a dumb question but I can't find a concrete answer anywhere. Where does INDI get the time that it uses to put into the FITS Header of a camera? In this specific case I am using a ASI ZWO 6200mm but I suspect the logic applies to all cameras. I don't see anywhere in the device where I can tell it to "snoop" GPS or anything like that. But I am seeing cases where I get a FITS header back and from my cross-referencing time with my log, it seems my time is off by minutes if not nearly a hour. My Linux box has a GPS and its NTP time synced so I know my system time isn't drifting but I am not sure how INDI is getting that time. Any info would be appreciated!


Hmm I did verify it is in a USB 3.0 port and is registering at the correct speed so that doesn't seem to be it...


Awesome that fixed it, thanks so much!


I have seemed to notice this bug when I take multiple consecutive frames with this camera, the first frame always is fine, but the second frame will be like this ( see attached screen shot of FITS image) you can see the image data is clipped, the FITS header appears fine. I have found I can resolve this if I either disconnect/re-connect to the camera or if I stay connected but take a short exposure (0.01s seems to work fine) that short exposure seems to resolve it then I can take another exposure that is my normal length and its fine again. Disconnecting each time would be a OK work around except then I have to re-cool the camera each time which wastes a lot of time waiting for it to settle again. Any ideas on what is going on? I also have a ATIK camera and have never seen this behavior using the same python code.


I think I am seeing this same problem if i use the BLOB to get the frame, I am using the latest INDI and 3rd Party from GIT (as of this morning). If I use the Blob response I get a server disconnected message. If I instead read the file off the disk that is fine though as it appears and is valid. I just can't seem to just receive the raw data, not sure if its too big and causing a crash in the drive? I am doing RAW16 and no binning so the FITS is 120MB.


Joel Millage replied to the topic 'ASI 120MC failes to expose' in the forum. 4 years ago

I am using INDI 1.8.0 and was trying to use KStars 3.4.2 but also just python code I wrote to control it. I had my python code working with another CCD and INDI without issue so I figured this would be a easy swap over but that is proving not to be the case. I will try the nightly builds from the ASI Driver SDK and see if that helps, Thanks!


Joel Millage replied to the topic 'ASI 120MC failes to expose' in the forum. 4 years ago

hmm OK thanks for the update I am using everything original and USB3. If I run the Linux ASI cameras SW package I can get frames but INDI gets nothing and just exposure loops forever.


Joel Millage replied to the topic 'ASI 120MC failes to expose' in the forum. 4 years ago

Did you ever find a fix for this? I have the ASI6200m pro and I am getting into the exposure loop. Thanks!


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    01. 06. 1986
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    Interested in automated astrometry on Linux