Hello Eric, thanks for your reply!

this is the behaviour I'm experiencing while using Kstars or Pixinsight but, as I said, the problems begin when I start Ekos...

My setip is basicly a Stellarmate OS running on a RPI 3b+. I've added Apache and PHP to run my former web interface, that deals mainly with domotics, safety and dome control.
In order to make my system "aware" of what happens in INDI, I wrote a small service that opens a tcp socket to localhost:7624, sends <getProperties version="1.7"/> and loops reading from the socket. After the first, complete, response, any time something happens I see the service receiving the update from the server and translating it in json... everything keeps working good until I open Ekos and start using it. With Ekos running, my service doesn't report any update; but as soon as I close Ekos, the service starts working again.

Really strange...:silly:
