Hi everyone,
I'm pretty new to INDI, but i immediately fell in love with all the possibility it opens!

So, I started testing this technology in my association's observatory in Italy... for us is very important to make INDI server talk with some home-made pieces of software controlling some custom systems.

I'm aware that this could lead to some troubles, and indeed I'm opening my first topic because of a strange behaviour I'm experiencing...

Everything was going really well, when I made the first tests, and I was able to set a property from a third party client and see the devices' properties changing in my application's terminal... Then, when I switched on Ekos I became unable to read anything from INDI server all the time Ekos was running.
I'm using the xml communication protocol on a tcp socket as described in www.clearskyinstitute.com/INDI/INDI.pdf

So, does actually Ekos blocks other clients from getting properties from server? Or maybe I have to search the problem somewhere else? In the first case, does anyone know a workaround?

Thank you all!
