I'm using an SX Filter Wheel on a Linux machine. I startup the server with

indiserver indi_sx_wheel
and then connect to the server using the PyIndi Library. I receive the following in the terminal running indiserver:
> startup: indiserver indi_sx_wheel
> Driver indi_sx_wheel: Searching for HID Device VID: 0x1278 PID: 0x920
> Driver indi_sx_wheel: iconv() failed
> Driver indi_sx_wheel: iconv() failed
and then it successfully connects. From then on I can use and communicate with the wheel with no issue. I'm going to be giving this code to another user so I would like to figure out why I am getting the iconv() failure and how to resolve it. Thank you in advance!


Aidan Gray replied to the topic 'CentOS Install' in the forum. 4 years ago

I've added the EPEL repo, but it seems the libnova library is only in the CentOS 7 EPEL repo. The CentOS 8 EPEL repo does not contain libnova. Is there another way for me to install this library without downloading from a repo? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I'm still getting used to Linux-based systems.


Aidan Gray replied to the topic 'CentOS Install' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you for the suggestions. I was able to find all of these libraries for CentOS 8 except for the first two: libnova and libnova-devel. I was only able to find them for CentOS 7. Is there another way I can build these two libraries on CentOS?


Aidan Gray created a new topic ' CentOS Install' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone has had success installing the INDI Library and PyIndi on CentOS 7/8?

I had success installing it on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine, but now would like to get it working on CentOS. I first tried installing the prerequisites but had no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Ohhh ok, thank you! I'm very new to the INDI Library so I'm still figuring things out. I really appreciate it!


As far as I can tell, when running indi_getprop, there's no way to control the temperature setpoint. When I ran this CCD using Starlight's own GUI software, there was an option to set the temperature setpoint.
The only available properties I see for this CCD, relating to temperature/cooling, are:



I'm using an SX CCD SXVR-H694 camera. When trying to get/set my CCD's cooler using

I get a message that this camera does not have such a property. It DOES however have the COOLER ON/OFF properties.
How am I supposed to control the cooler's power or temperature setpoint? Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!


Aidan Gray replied to the topic 'Saving CCD blob to FITS file' in the forum. 4 years ago

Ah wow, I figured it out. Very simple haha.
The 1D byte array that blob.getblobdata() returns IS the contents of the FITS file, in its entirety. All I had to do was open a new binary file and write this array to it:

fits = blob.getblobdata()
f = open('/dir/image.fits', 'wb')


Aidan Gray replied to the topic 'Saving CCD blob to FITS file' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you for the link, but I'm still a little confused.
I'm new to using Indi, and I'm using the PyIndi wrapper, so I'm not quite sure how to use the CCD::processBLOB. The code I started with is from the example here: www.indilib.org/develop/indi-python-bindings.html .

The relevant part at the end, where I receive the blob's data:

for blob in ccd_ccd1:
print("name: ", blob.name," size: ", blob.size," format: ", blob.format)
print("fits data type: ", type(fits))
# here you may use astropy.io.fits to access the fits data

The format of "blob" returns a bytearray object, and the size is 12104640.
Using astropy.io.fits I can create the fits file but the data is 1D. Can I make a call to CCD::processBLOB somehow to convert this into a 2D byte array that FITS viewers like?

Thank you again for the help.


Aidan Gray created a new topic ' Saving CCD blob to FITS file' in the forum. 4 years ago

I'm using PyIndi to make a client that connects to an indiserver for an SX_CCD. This particular CCD is the SX CCD SXVR-H694.

When I receive the blob from the CCD, the type is FITS but it's a 1D bytearray object, not 2D.

How do I go about converting this into the necessary format to save to a FITS file for viewing?


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    01. 02. 1994
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    Amateur Astronomer, Beginner Software Engineer