I Ben, I copied this file from the web repository into the above folder and everything seems to be working now. Great !


I installed it through the package manager under the raspbian / astroberry environment, searching for INDI, and locating the orion g3. No git, no .deb execution, no compilations...
I'm really not a linux expert, sorry about this. Where is the file you mention supposed to be located ?


You were just right ! Access rights related to the above file were rw-rw-r.
I added write access to all (file owner and group is root), so I changed file access properties to rw-rw-rw. The camera is now connected, and giving regular pictures with EKOS either as main CCD or autoguider. Cooling is also ok. It's just so great to have this almost unknown camera back to business !
Only trouble is that if I disconnect the USB cable and connect it back again, the device number is updated, and I have to chmod 666 again the BUS/DEVICE file. There may be a way to avoid this little pain.


Dear Ben, I finally found a bit of time to try and use my Brightstar Mammut Lyuba Monochrome camera (deemed very similar to the Orion Starshoot G3) through the INDI / Astroberry platform  on a RPI.
I installed the new indi_orion_ssg3_ccd driver from the package manager, and connected the device. The INDI client loads a Orion StarShoot G3/G4 driver dashboard ("version 0.1 / Interface 6 / Driver Info name: Orion StarShoot  G3 mono 0", which sounds great), but I cannot connect the camera successfully. I get the following error message:
[ERROR]: unable to connect to Orion StarShoot G3/G4: operation not permitted.
The VID / PID of the Mammut Camera is the following (output of lsusb command). I e-mailed these detailed to you some time ago but not sure you got them
Bus 004 Device 003: ID 07ee:0501 Torex Retail (formerly Logware) AVR32 UC3 USB DEVICE
This may be quite straightforward to fix, but I must confess I never came accross such issue. Other (more mainstream) cameras I use through INDI / EKOS are plug & play.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could share some clues.
Thanks a lot !



This is a long standing issue. Seems that Ben and Bob are working on it, but not quite there yet. I hope we can benefit from there work soon !


Thanks for the update. Too bad this driver does not exist (and will probably never will), that's the kind of thing that limit the advantage of INDI over widespread ASCOM...


I own a Brightstar Mammut Lyuba L429 which ressembles very much the Starshoot G3 from ORION, and is also based on the AVR32 UC3 chip from AMTEL. I'm looking for an INDI driver for this camera since I can only use it on windows for the time being (ASCOM driver works fine), and I would like to move to Linux (Rapbian).
Did you manage to build you driver eventually ? That would be the last chance I have to make ma camera work on linux :)
Enjoy the stars,


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    05. 01. 1975
  • About me
    New INDI user