Hi Wouter,

for guiding I use internal and select SEP MultiStar as it is recommended, no other reason. I am just setting up now and have polar aligned.
The focus is off, will wait for a bright star to focus. Hopefully I can get better results tonight.
I am of the opinion that I was also confused with the gain settings, which should now be correct.
Thanks again for the feedback, it is all very useful knowledge as I am really a beginner and always looking to improve.
I think that with this hobby learning something new every observation is a given.

Best regards,


Hi Wouter,

no problem, I appreciate all the help that I can get. The next step will be to increase my knowledge as moving from a DSLR to a DSO imaging camera is not so straight forward as I had hoped.

Amongst other things I was struggling to get the focus correct when taking these pictures. Back to the drawing board on this one, and be more careful with the Bahtinov mask.
The elongated stars mean that I should check the Polar alignment and the tracking.

When you say "the direction of the major axes varies over the field of view suggesting rotation of the imaging camera" what exactly does this mean? As I am using an EQ6-R Pro mount there should not be any rotation so is this something to do with the telescope collimation?

I have been going crazy for the past week so can only say again that I appreciate the help and the feedback.

Best regards,


Hi Jasem,

sorry, I think that first link is not a good one, try this link.




Hi Jasem,

thanks for taking a look, here is a link to one of the FITs files.




Hi All,
I have been using StellarMate for about 2 years now and am very happy with the software. However, after I recently upgrading from a Canon DSLR to an Altair HyperCam 269C Pro TEC I have been having problems. When stacking the images there are no stars found. I have tried to process the files in Deep Sky Stacker and Siril with the same results.

The INDI camera settings are Gain: 565, HCG threshold: 200, HCG: ON, Multiplication factor: 2

Does anyone use an Altair 269C camera with StellarMate? If yes, what settings do you use?

From the log file: Altair AA269CPROTEC(USB2.0) : "[INFO] Native Gain is set to 282.500000 in HCG mode. "

Is this an issue with Altair and Linux?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Wouter,

thanks for the feedback, that is a very useful link, which I have now bookmarked. I had a look at my sources.list files and cannot see any reference to the nightly build, but then again I am am not a Linux guru.

In the future if this problem happens again at least we know how to get out of it.

Again, thanks for your time and assistance.



Hi Wouter,

how do we determine which version we are updating? Do you mean that we should not use the command line for updates? I am curious as I would like to stop a repeat of last night, any advice is appreciated.



I do not know the reason but I found an old link from Jasem Mutlak (which I cannot find anymore).
Anyway, Jasem said to try the updates I mentioned. I should say that I tried these commands last night and they did not work.

At the end of the day I am happy that both of us have working systems.
Thomas, you have a nice web page by the way, lovely pictures.



Hi Thomas,
this was an IndiLib update. I just ran the 'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y'. This command actually installed what I thought was installed last night. This time it installed everything correctly.
A huge relief on my side as you can image with the wonderful weather I do no want to miss a night :-)
Regards, Duncan


Hi All, I just ran another update and this time everything is fine. It looks like the update last night was dodgy for whatever reason. Clear skies, Duncan


Hi Radek, sorry if I confused things. Starhopper is correct, this seems to be an indi issue. Here is my log file from last night, hope it helps.

File Attachment:

File Name: log_16-35-58.txt
File Size: 19 KB


I have the same issue after updating StellarMate last night. I also have a Skywatcher mount (EQ6-R Pro). I had to use another Pi that was not updated.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    14. 11. 1956
  • About me
    I am a beginner astronomer with EQ6-R Pro mount and Orion RC8