Thanks for the reply. I have looked in the Indi control panel there is a Temp setting with zeros in it and a set button next to it. You can not enter any numbers though and the set button does nothing. Again, I believe unlike the 314L+, the older 314L (that I have) only has the cooler feature with no set point cooling. There is no option in the Indi control panel to turn on/off the cooler. The only place I see this is in the focus module but unfortunately both of these options are greyed out and can not be used. You may be right the next step may be to contact Atik support. They may just laugh because it’s so old but it’s still a great camera with REALLY low dark noise. Thanks again, I was hoping someone had the same problem and found a fix.


Hi, hopefully someone here can help. I have recently switched from a Windows based platform to running the Astroberry OS on a RPi4. Ekos and KStars are brilliant and all my hardware has been recognised. The only issue I am facing is Ekos recognises my ATIK 314L but doesn't allow me to turn the cooler on or off . The buttons are there but are disabled. I realise the 314L doesn't offer set point cooling but it still has a cooler that you should be able to control through the software (could do this on Windows). I'm not sure if the cooler is on or not but I am able to capture images. I would like to know that the cooler is working and have a way of controlling it. I used to always turn the cooler off when I finished imaging to allow the camera to warm up before I turned it off. I no longer have this option and I'm worried about the camera each time I turn it off. I have also tried it on Ubuntu with the same results I have ran update on both systems with no change . I am running KStars 3.4.2 and Indi Library 1.8.5 on both systems. Any help or info would be greatly appreciated.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    20. 06. 1964
  • About me
    Amateur astronomer that firmly believes in and supports open source platforms and software.