Hello guys!

After updating my system and the allsky project, I am not able to view my camera remotely (outside my home network), only locally.

My port, external IP and DDNS work fine, cause I am logging in remotely into the unit (mini pc). But when I am trying the URL (external IP or DDNS) it is just loading and nothing happens.

Does anyone has any idea what to look for ?


Euripides replied to the topic 'Buying a Stellarmate?' in the forum. 5 months ago

There is no need for special cables, just regular USB and 12V DC cables.
For our devices (Stellarmate Pro, RPI, Mini PC etc) the point is to have a correct and stable power source. If your battery is capable of doing that, then you will have no problem.


Euripides replied to the topic 'Different Pi.' in the forum. 5 months ago

Hello John,

Cause Astroberry is extremely outdated, I would strongly recommend you to:

Purchase Stellarmate OS (there are two verions, one for Pi and one PC , www.stellarmate.com)


build your system by yourself with a little bit help for example github.com/rlancaste/AstroPi3 .


Euripides replied to the topic 'Another ZWO EFW question' in the forum. 6 months ago

Things have gone really bad with this ZWO changes with INDI...

How could we proceed to update - resolve this issue?


All of a sudden I get errors about temperature and no image capture.

Does anyone noticed anything similar?

Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [INFO] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [288]: Starting Capture-68 worker
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception: 
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getNumber'
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception:           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception:     ctl = getattr(device, attr)(name)
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception:   File "/home/lubuntu/indi-allsky/indi_allsky/camera/indi.py", line 1290, in get_control
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception:                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception:     ccd_temperature = self.get_control(self.ccd_device, 'CCD_TEMPERATURE', 'number', timeout=0.2)
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception:   File "/home/lubuntu/indi-allsky/indi_allsky/camera/indi.py", line 861, in getCcdTemperature
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception:                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Mar 12 20:52:32 lubuntu-ami [ERROR] MainProcess-1219/MainThread allsky._startCaptureWorker() [281]: Capture worker exception:     temp_val = self.indiclient.getCcdTemperature()


Yes. The adapter above "Arducam IMX477 UVC Camera Adapter Board for 12MP Raspberry Pi HQ Camera with Single Microphone" says that it converts the pi HQ (IMX477) cam into a USB cam.

So in theory that will do the job.


Hmmm so this adapter limits the RPI HD cam capabilities, correct?


Yes correct!
I saw the video here www.facebook.com/watch/?v=781066203866776 , and then searched my recordings. I was lucky enough that there was a gap into clouds there :-)

Then www.noakobservatory.gr/indexen.php informed our greek astrophotography discord group about the allsky7net.


Thank you for those details!

I am not lucky at all, cause my observatory + all sky cam are under B8-9, so I'm not even looking for details, just the weather to be safe for AP sessions.

But a few nights ago I was able to capture this meteor :-)


Just to be on the same page, you mean this one, correct ? www.svbony.com/sv205c-astronomy-camera/


Thank you Nick,

I used to have the RPI with its camera too but I ditched them both with a mini pc for the sake of responsiveness.

Now I was looking probably for something like SV205 (?)


I would like a feedback from fellow users about "cheap" cameras that are already using succesfully right now.

I currently use the ASI224 without issue but I would like to reuse it again for planetary.


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