Does anyone have any suggestion on how to debug the problem further?



I have the same problem. SCT focuser is attachted via AUX to CGX. In the INDI Control Pannel I can see Celestron CGX which has a focuser tab. I can set an absolute position and her the focuser turn. However in the optical train setup the focuser drop down is empty.

Bellow the ouput from Celestron CGX logs

2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Updating location is not necessary since mount is already aligned.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Updating time is not necessary since mount is already aligned.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Device configuration applied.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Updating location is not necessary since mount is already aligned.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Dome Policy set to: Dome ignored. Mount can park or unpark regardless of dome parking state.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Auto search is enabled. When connecting, the driver shall attempt to communicate with all available system ports until a connection is established.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Loading device configuration...
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Focus Limits: Maximum (43235) Minimum (2276) steps.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] update focuser properties
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Mount UTC offset: 2.00. UTC time: 2022-07-24T20:04:16. DST: Off
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Mount supports guiding.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Mount is parked.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Mount tracking is off.
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Mount model: CGX
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Controller version: 5.31
2022-10-29T17:15:56: [INFO] Celestron CGX is online.

Happy to provide any other information.


Given that you suggested to use indi-celestron-aux instead of indi-celestron-cgx I guess it makes more sense to add the CGX specific functionality to indi-celestron-aux. Would you agree?


Thx Rick, I'll give it a try. Quickly glancing at the code it seems that there is no special treatment for CGX/CGX-L to make use of the home switches. If the code overalls work it would be great to add that functionality. If the current contributors are happy then I might give it a try and add it (as well as support for the focuser).


Hi Rick

I've cloned your repository and built it. It all seems to work well (on a RaspberryPi 4) However when starting KSTars and connecting to the CGX the driver indi-celestron-cgx crashes. I have the latest KStar and indi installed. It looks like the problem is the Celestron Focuser. When I remove the aux cable it works. This is what I found in the log files:

[2021-05-24T21:28:09.925 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2021-05-24T19:28:09: Driver indi_celestron_cgx: unknown command 0xf0 MSG: 3b 04 00 11 f0 f0 0b "
[2021-05-24T21:28:09.926 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2021-05-24T19:28:09: Driver indi_celestron_cgx: unknown command 0xf0 MSG: 3b 04 00 10 f0 f0 0c "
[2021-05-24T21:28:09.926 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2021-05-24T19:28:09: Driver indi_celestron_cgx: unknown command 0xf0 MSG: 3b 04 00 11 f0 f0 0b "
[2021-05-24T21:28:09.927 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2021-05-24T19:28:09: Driver indi_celestron_cgx: unknown command 0xf0 MSG: 3b 04 00 10 f0 47 b5 "
[2021-05-24T21:28:09.927 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2021-05-24T19:28:09: Driver indi_celestron_cgx: Checksum error: 24 vs. 00MSG: 3b 3b 04 11 00 f0 f0 0b 3b 04 10 00 f0 f0 0c 3b 07 10 00 fe 07 11 00 19 ba 3b 04 11 00 f0 f0 0b 3b 04 11 00 f0 f0 0b 3b 04 10 00 f0 f0 0c 3b 04 11 00 f0 f0 0b 3b 04 10 00 f0 f0 0c 04 00 "
[2021-05-24T21:28:09.928 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2021-05-24T19:28:09: Driver indi_celestron_cgx: unknown command 0x00 MSG: 3b 3b 04 11 00 f0 f0 0b 3b 04 10 00 f0 f0 0c 3b 07 10 00 fe 07 11 00 19 ba 3b 04 11 00 f0 f0 0b 3b 04 11 00 f0 f0 0b 3b 04 10 00 f0 f0 0c 3b 04 11 00 f0 f0 0b 3b 04 10 00 f0 f0 0c 04 24 "
[2021-05-24T21:28:09.928 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2021-05-24T19:28:09: Driver indi_celestron_cgx: *** stack smashing detected ***: <unknown> terminated"
[2021-05-24T21:28:09.929 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2021-05-24T19:28:09: Driver indi_celestron_cgx: stderr EOF"
[2021-05-24T21:28:09.930 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "<delProperty device=\"Celestron CGX USB\"/>"
[2021-05-24T21:28:09.931 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "Child process 4781 died"

Any idea what this could be?



Thank you for your work! Would it be possible to also implement the INDI::FocuserInterface interface? I assume it would be possible to copy over the code from the indi_celestron_gps driver?


Thank you for your work! Would it be possible to also implement the INDI::FocuserInterface interface? I assume it would be possible to copy over the code from the indi_celestron_gps driver?


Hi all

I'm working on a driver for my own auxiliary device. It is connected via I2C. Sometimes there are connection issues and I would like to disconnect after detection. The connection button of the aux device in the INDI Client should switch to disconnect and I would like to set IPS_ALERT. I couldn't find any examples. Is there a method I can use for this? Since ConnectionS in the DefaultDevice is a private member I can't manipulate it in my extended driver class.

Thank you!


Awesome!! Thank you so much for the quick reply!



I'm developing a driver for my own auxiliary device. The device is connected via I2C to the raspberry. I sometimes run into i2c communication issues that I can detect via my driver. As a consequence I'd like to set the Connection to disconnected and have the status go to ISP_ALERT. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to do this. ConnectionS is a private member and hence I can't directly change it in my own driver that is a subclass of the DefaultDevice. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thank you


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