Vincent replied to the topic 'QHY Driver: Testing required' in the forum. 5 years ago


I have a similar problem of temperature regulation with my QHY183C.
I put the temperature at -15°C in automatic mode.
Sometimes, it work
Sometimes, the cooler don't stop and goes up to -20°C with a cooling power of 100%
Sometimes, it stop at about -3 or -4°C
Sometimes, it goes down to -16,5 and then it goes up.

I use Astroberry on a raspberry PI4 that I installed 4 days ago (I am a new user).
I have updated Kstar and INDI today.
- Kstar 3.4.1
- QHY Driver : 2.6
- QHY SDK : 19.11.15

I tried to install a new version of the QHY SDK (20.02.19) but after the installation, EKOS can't see my camera. I have perhaps forgotten something.

I tried the camera with Sharpcap on windows and all is OK so the problem doesn't come from the camera.

Thank you by advance.