Marcelo Cassese replied to the topic 'Kstar-Ekos remote connection' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you for the guidance. I tried and it works. However I am doing everything wirelessly and it is too slow. I see you are using Pi4 and since I am using Pi3 was wondering how much difference it would make .


Marcelo Cassese created a new topic ' Kstar-Ekos remote connection' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hello all

I have an Kstars/Ekos installed in a Raspi3B and also in a Mac. I a m doing my imaging from my backyard but I would like to know if it is possible to use the Raspi to connect to mount+camera+focuser +guider and use the mac from inside the house to do the acquisition and monitoring so I don't have to be outside (typically I have the mac directly connected to the equipment). I have some thoughts about it but not sure how to it setup.

Thank you



Marcelo Cassese replied to the topic 'ZWO EAF disconnect' in the forum. 4 years ago

That did the trick. I was able to locate the .indi folder with the EAF xml config file. There was two of them so I deleted the one without the default suffix and I am back on track.
Thank you so much. Greatly appreciated


Marcelo Cassese replied to the topic 'ZWO EAF disconnect' in the forum. 4 years ago

No I am running everything from a mac. I tried to uninstall everything that is recommeded to do a complete KStars cleanup but there is still some configurations that are left but don't know where they are located.


Marcelo Cassese replied to the topic 'ZWO EAF disconnect' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I could not find the EAF configuration file you mentioned on my mac. I found the indi directory with the EAF driver (ndi_asi_focuser) but that one can not be deleted (I tried and it crashes the software).


Marcelo Cassese replied to the topic 'ZWO EAF disconnect' in the forum. 4 years ago

I am using the original cable (usb type b) but I tested another more robust cable and nothing changed. I ran a test with the zwo asicap using the same cable and it works fine even using a usb hub. This issue is new as I was able to connect before so I still believe there is something that is corrupted on the software that I can not fix.



Marcelo Cassese created a new topic ' ZWO EAF disconnect' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hello all,

I used to not have this issue in the past but lately I have not been able to connect my ZWO EAF to Ekos. When I press the indi control panel button the EAF tab shows up momentarily and them disappear . I tried to re install stars and also a full cleanup but the problem did not go away. When the connection is lost sometimes I get a message that indi driver failed and attempts to restart and reconnect but no success. I tried KStars 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 (mac version). The other devices like cameras and mount connect normally. I tried to connect the focuser directly to the laptop but that did not work either. Seems like the driver got corrupted or something but reinstalling should take care of that?

Thank you



Thanks a lot for your reply Wouter, I will try those approaches next time I am imaging


Hi all,

I've been trying to use ekos autofocusing with my ZWO EAF + ZWO ASI294 + skywatcher esprit100 but I am struggling with it. I have some few points that I am looking to get help with:

1. What is the recommended algorithm to use. I tried the gradient+polynomial as well as SEP+iterative but the first seems to work better, although still not ideal. What is typical tolerance percent value for these algorithms? 1%-2%,10%. I know this is relative to ones setup but just trying to get an idea of typical values.

2. If my focus is close to the "ideal" can I use the auto star detect or should I select the star myself? It is recommended not to choose a too bright or too dim start (mag 2-4) how do I choose a suitable star if I am selecting a star manually

3. During a in sequence HFR something odd is happening. I set a 5% threshold for the HFR to add to the measured HFR so the autofocus is triggered and set ekos to refocus . However the measured HFR is not updated on the sequence tab when autofocus is performed which is causing ekos to perform the auto focus more often than needed increasing the total acquisition time significantly.

4. For every autofocus run the convergence to a good HFR seems to take very long 7-9 trials even if the focus is close to "ideal". Is there a way to improve this convergence? This would be quite useful for in sequence autofocus since one does not need much of a change from a previous HFR value.

I would expect that Ekos autofocus would outperform a single focusing at the beginning of a sequence. I've watched the youtube ekos video tutorial on autofocus and looked at the manual but none of those answered my questions.

Thank you



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    06. 11. 1972
  • About me
    I am an amateur astrophotographer with interest in diverse astronomy topics. The time I spent imaging the space is very rewarding for me and spikes my curiosity even further. I very much enjoy the instrumentation aspect of astrophotography as well. There is a lot to explore and learn. I hope to be able to contribute to this group. Clear skies everyone