Kristopher created a new topic ' SCOPE_CONFIG properties' in the forum. 10 months ago

I noticed the SCOPE_CONFIG properties are gone. I upgraded INDI and some of my custom scripts broke. I was using the properties to switch between scope configurations. I may have been the only crazy user actually using them.

I admit the properties were a bit awkward to be set on the telescope mount, so I'm not going to shed too many tears over their loss. Just thought I'd chime in and admit to being a crazy user. :)


Kristopher replied to the topic 'latest indi breaks drivers' in the forum. 1 year ago

I came here after logging this bug. :)

I will close that and re-test later.


Kristopher replied to the topic 'Raspberry pi 4 Alternative' in the forum. 2 years ago

Yes, I am booting off of this 500G NVMe. I used an eMMC module as part of setting up the board since I didn't have a convenient way to write the OS to the NVMe without using the board itself. For Armbian I needed to switch out the board's boot loader, but that's also not difficult to do from an eMMC boot. There are many reports of issues with various PD power adapters not working, but since this is an astronomy rig, I'm hard wired to 12v using one of these cable leads. That bypasses all of the power delivery negotiation issues.

The WiFi adapter works well. It's a bit wonky to get the antennas stuffed into a 3D printed case, but it all works. The card presents two devices though, so there is a naming issue you may need to work around . The two devices can be used concurrently, but only on the same channel.


Kristopher replied to the topic 'Raspberry pi 4 Alternative' in the forum. 2 years ago

Also, if you have a Raspberry Pi 4, it's not hard to spin up an Ubuntu image on an SD card to try out installing everything.


Kristopher replied to the topic 'Raspberry pi 4 Alternative' in the forum. 2 years ago

I am using the INDI install from this PPA. It also has Ekos, I just didn't install it.

I am running this on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (64bit) both on a Radxa Rock 5b and a Raspberry Pi 4. I used Armbian to get Ubuntu on the Rock 5b, but I was able to install Ubuntu on the Raspberry Pi 4 using an image directly from Ubuntu's website (not Raspbian). I expect Ekos would work just fine on Ubuntu 22.04. The PPA certainly has 22.04 builds.

If I hadn't bought the Rock 5b, I would have bought the ODROID-M1. The ODROID-M1 sells with a nice, passively cooled case and also has NVMe storage. It's processor is just slower than the Rock 5b... but still on par with the Raspberry Pi 4.


Kristopher replied to the topic 'Raspberry pi 4 Alternative' in the forum. 2 years ago

I know this is an old thread, but I thought it would be appropriate to report I have a good scope computer running on a Radxa Rock 5b. This has a faster ARM processor than a Raspberry Pi, and, like the ODROID-M1 it has an NVMe slot for fast storage.

I started with Armbian (Ubuntu Jammy with XFCE) and then installed the repositories for INDI, CCDCiel, PHD2. I am using TigerVNC server for headless connections. I was able to install ASTAP with *.deb files. Indiweb installs with pip. All that stuff installs and works great. I don't use KStars and Ekos, so I didn't install or test those.

I have not gotten FireCapture to work. The 32bit multi-lib instructions aren't quite right for Ubuntu Jammy. I assume it would be GREAT on this SBC because of the fast storage. I hope they eventually build a 64bit ARM version of that tool. Until then, I was able to get AstroDMx to work by removing two library files from the install (documented on the website's Known Issues page). The framerates with that tool and my fast storage are outstanding.

Using different hardware means I had to move on from Astroberry. :( I am guessing the shortage of Raspberry Pis has probably hurt that project. I do think that some sort of astronomy based distribution built on top of Armbian's build system could be viable. This would separate the hardware/kernel differences from the astronomy user space tools.


I'd love to have something like this too. I sometimes use the Telescope Touch Android app to look at INDI settings, but that's not a perfect fit either. I most often use the INDI control panel behind CCDCiel... but it can sometimes be a bit "crashy."


That's GREAT! I'm glad my little script is useful.


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