Quick bit of useless info:

First, my setup is working flawlessly. THANK YOU!

Second, some programs (other than EKOS) don't load the configuraton by default (or at all) and may rely on a manual configuration load via the INDI Control Panel. CCDciel, for instance, will only load the config if the OPTIONAL "Load INDI config" in the setup profile is checked.

Just FYI...


How auspicious! As I was typing my last message, DHL was putting the box on my porch. The new code works on a Raspberry Pi4 running Ubuntu Mate 20.04. When you switch the board to 2.1, it works. When you switch to Original, it ceases to operate. I noticed no overheat issue.

... I don't know...but personally, I would have been hard-pressed not to name the buttons, "Original" and "Extra Crispy."


I have two boards on the way. Will test on arrival and report.


Hmmm...is there any marking on the board to reveal it's version? Or is this a "fire it up ant see" change? I don't see even a part number on the board.

I ask, because I've ordered a couple more boards for spares. It would be nice to know if they are old or new version.


Bummer, that. Just when you think it is safe to put down the crayons.


For the record, I managed to compile the latest upload on both the x86_64 and Pi4 (running Ubuntu Mate). I did get some depreciation warnings on the Pi4 compile, but not the x86_64 (odd that). Both versions seem to work, though.

Thanks again!


Ah! That works exactly as I suspected it would. Therefore, I was running the old version.

How, you ask? (Need I remind about the "stupid I have yet to use?") The old make install put the binary in /usr/local/bin, rather than /usr/bin. My Pi4 $PATH order has /usrlocal/bin prior to /usr/bin, so it finds the old compile first rather than the new version, that now lives in /usr/bin (which is probably less confusing for most folks).

jon@pi4~$ which indi_wmh_focuser
/usr/local/bin/indi_wmh_focuser # doh!!

I am happily running the new version and found the Abort button (right where you put it). You may rest easy now, confident in the knowledge that if...er..when.. I fat-finger a relative position as 30000 instead of 300, I now have an option to resolve the issue rather than going into town for dinner and coming back when it may be finished.

Your assist is much appreciated!


I was looking for the ABORT button. Is my assumption correct that the new features should show up on the INDI Control Panel? Or is this something that only passes info to EKOS?


Vacuum Cleaner!!!! Um...I mean EUREKA!!!!!

I did a complete flush and load of indi-full, indilib1, indi-bin and libindi-dev along with a complete flush and load of the code from github and SUCCESS! This leads me to believe that it was actually a cache problem of some order that was at fault.

Odd that things from the PPA match up better than the compile from github. And, for the record, this is on the Ubuntu 20.04 Pi4. I'll test operations...well, I was going to say next clear night, but I may not live that long....next time I get a few minutes to set the scope on the mount and fiddle with it.

Thanks for the assist! And thanks in advance for the new features!


My previous version still compiles. I may try commenting out the new stuff (if that's practical) and then un-commenting until it breaks again.


Alas, no. I even blew away the whole tree and redid the git. No joy.


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  • Birthdate
    24. 02. 1955
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    Pilot, Programmer, Musician, Gyrolane CFI