Hi everyone, I wanted to do an update on this post, to try to figure out how to solve the problem.
I had been advised to install drives to get the FTDI or Prolific mount connected.
With the FTDI's I couldn't install them and always got an error, while with the Prolific's it worked and the connection happens,
but there seems to be various anomalies.
I couldn't do the polar alignment, which was the thing I was most anxious about,
and then after the connection two errors are shown that I don't understand of which I put a screenshot.
I thought that maybe the version of KStars that I use is not very up to date and maybe by putting the latest release things might be better,
but I had tried that a while ago and had to go back,
because the program crashes had increased and then there were some bags that were causing me problems.
This time, however, the logs were saved and I will add them to you.
There are several of them because I did multiple tests, so I am forced to put one in at random, hoping it is the right one.
Thank you

File Attachment:

File Name: log_19-48-34.txt
File Size: 20 KB


Okay, I've got it all figured out.
The problem is that the LOG window was not set,
so no Log is present.
It will be for the next time.


So I will explain how I did it, so you can correct me if I am doing something wrong:
I went into user, library, support applications, KStars, analyze and I took one of the evening files,
however, when I go to upload it here on the forum, it seems like it can't be done,
because it doesn't accept this type of file which is ".analyze", so I don't know how I should do it.
Thank you


Again, hello to everybody,
these friends who let me try the AM5,
have offered to let me give it another try,
however, I would like some help because I don't know how to deal with the problem.
Searching the net, I found some info that although they are very vague,
they say that it may be necessary to install drivers
FTDI or Prolific. I have no idea what they are,
so I am asking if you can give me some info on what they are,
which ones I need, where they are located, and possibly how to install and configure them.
If you can guide me on how I should do it, I would be very grateful.

Thank you again.


I hope I did it right!


Wanting to have more than one, because I have made several attempts,
but I don't know how to upload them to the forum,
I point out that I do not know English and I am using
the automatic translator.


Hello everyone, I am interested in buying the Mount ASI AM5, and on Saturday night I went to a friend of mine who owns it so I could test its operation.
I was NOT able to get it to work with my 2015 Intel MacBook Air and KStars. I wasted the whole evening with no results.
Basically after I created a profile, I made the connection and the Mount seems to be connected,
so Ekos sees it, however at the bottom of the window where everything that is happening is reported, two error strings appeared in red color and
the mount never worked. Not knowing English, I did not understand what these two errors were and could not use the translator,
because we did not have internet there, however convinced that by uploading the log file everything would be reported, instead by uploading these files the two errors I cannot read them.
I make a point: as a version of KStars I use 3.5.9 Stable, because with the more updated versions I have problems, so I don't know if this is to blame.
Can you tell me something, because if it's not my fault that I didn't know how to get it up and running, it occurs to me that there may be problems with the Mac and KStars, so I would avoid buying it.
Thank you


Mimmo Belli replied to the topic 'I'm desperate!' in the forum. 2 years ago

I don't know. Maybe he was bothered by the parentheses?
I did test it with a sequence using the same name, though, and
everything worked normally.


Mimmo Belli replied to the topic 'I'm desperate!' in the forum. 2 years ago

The name is: 2022 E3 (ZTF)_Light_20_secs_001.fits
And all the files you see in the Analyzer log have this name.


Mimmo Belli replied to the topic 'I'm desperate!' in the forum. 2 years ago

I did as you said, I uploaded the log from last night's session and I can see everything there,
but if I click on the various photos, it gives me the path but the files all have the same name!
It seems like every time it downloaded one photo, it went to replace the other one.
I feel like crying!


Mimmo Belli created a new topic ' I'm desperate!' in the forum. 2 years ago

I wanted to try photographing the comet and used Kstars/Ekos as I always have.
But at the end after taking 300 Light, 41 Dark, 41Flat and 41 DarkFlat, the photos are not there!!!
Or rather there are, but each generated folder contains only one photo which, even if it has the number 001, is the last image and all the others are not there!!!
And during the sequence, I saw that the photo changed with each shot, but as I said, there aren't any.
I've searched all over my Mac, but nothing. What could I have done wrong? Otherwise where could these photos have gone?

Thanks to whoever can help me.


Mimmo Belli replied to the topic 'QHY Camera info' in the forum. 2 years ago

Thanks for the info, I will see if I can investigate further to make sure.


Mimmo Belli created a new topic ' QHY Camera info' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I don't write much on the forum because of the language and the google translator I think is not very reliable.
But I come to the point: I decided to leave the Reflex to switch to a dedicated Astronomical Camera and my choice would be the QHY268,
but the shopkeeper advised against it, not because it is invalid; indeed, he thinks it is very good,
but since I have to use it with Mac and Kstars / Ekos, he told me that the ASI2600 that has the same sensor would be better,
because QHY INDI drives are not reliable at all!
Considering that it is not cheap, I would like to be sure of what I am buying.
Can you give me some answers and some advice please?
Thank you


Mimmo Belli replied to the topic 'Ekos Polar Align' in the forum. 4 years ago

We hope, because every time I tried to use it even seeing the Polar, it never worked for me.


Mimmo Belli created a new topic ' Ekos Polar Align' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hello everyone, I would like to have information:
they told me that Ekos has a method for doing assisted polar alignment and I already knew this.
But they told me that in the latest versions you can also do assisted polar alignment, even if you do NOT see the North Star.
This would be very useful for when I have fun from home and can only see the East, so I have the North completely hidden.
So I would like to know if this function really exists and if yes,
can you give me a little tutorial to explain how to do it?


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    15. 04. 1967
  • About me
    Astrophotography with Mac