Rannou replied to the topic 'AZ synscan : mount doesn't track' in the forum. 5 years ago

So you experienced the same thing as I did. But how can you be sure that the issue comes from the synscan itself and not from the INDI driver?


Rannou created a new topic ' AZ synscan : mount doesn't track' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi all,

I have problems using a synscan with an AZ GoTo mount.

Using Kstars/Ekos, when I the system ask to track a specific RA/DEC coordinates point, the 'main control' tab of the 'INDI control panel' indicates (most of the time) :

On Set : track
Tracking : Off

and the mount doesn't move instead of tracking.
Actually, sometimes 'Tracking' is On, sometimes is 'Off'. I didn't find any rational behind this strange behavior.

When 'Tracking' is Off, the Ekos tab indicates 'Mount Status : Idle'

I have the same weird behavior using skychart (carte du ciel).

Has it happened to someone else? Is there a way I can send more information to investigate this issue deeper?
Thank you.

ps :

synscan version : 4.39.1
indilib version : 1.8.3
OS : debian 9


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