Managed to get a Kstars Log file after a crash - Attached.



Trying to get KStars/Ekos working on my M1 Mac running macOS 14 Sonoma, haven't tried EKOS on my Mac for ages as I normally run it on my RaspberryPI in my observatory but wanted to run it on my Mac for an Astro Society presentation.

Kstars 3.6.7 downloaded and works fine ... but EKOS crashes whenever I try to start it with my Canon DSLR defined and connected. The Simulators all work OK.

Should it work? Apple Crash report attached.




Hmmm - Didn't work. When I try to load the SER file into Registax it seems to randomly crop and add blank scan lines to the frames. The SER file appears normal when viewed in SER Player, and PIPP. I have a workaround in that I can export the SER file in AVI format from PIPP, which can then be processed by Registax, but I don't know if that is a 'lossy' conversion.

So off to find a Registax Forum!

Mind you the end result wasn't too bad.




Yes I had a play last night and SER format saves OK, although I've never heard of SER format before. Plus it looks like Registax will process SER files ... not got round to trying that yet. Fingers crossed.



I've been using Astroberry for a while for DSO stuff and its been great - Thanks.

Recently I wondered if I could connect up my old Celestron NexImage Webcam (basically an spc900) for some planetary imaging.

After updating astroberry few days ago I have managed to connect it up to oaCapture and use it for imaging. However it will not allow me to save as AVI format? I can save a mov format but then my MacBook cannot view the video, and Registax cannot stack the images as they are not in a format it will recognise.

Is there a way to allow oacapture to save as avi format?




Hi Radek,

I found a file in /etc called astroberry.version - it says 2.0.1 - but even after numerous reboots the splash screen still says 2.0.0.

As an aside: I just tried ssh'ing into the astroberry (in an attempt to copy the above command and result as text) but got key errors - can ssh cope with more than one astroberry.local as I have a Pi3 and Pi4 set up? It seemed to say I have the wrong key.

I will ask ATIK if there is any way to get the Infinity Software to find the camera over the local network as opposed to USB on the local machine.



Hi Radek,
Great piece of software - using with EQ6 , Orion SSAG(QHY), Canon DSLR and ATIK cameras - with MacBook both as Remote and Local Kstars - on a Pi 3 and 4 - works great. Thanks.
Two questions:|
1) I've updated 2.0.0 with apt-get update and upgrade but the VNC Splash Screen still says 2.0.0 not 2.0.1 - Is there a terminal command I can run to see which version of astroberry is running?
2) If I wanted to use the ATIK Infinity as Live Viewing is it possible for the ATIK Infinity PC Software (running in a VM on MacBook) to see it via astroberry?


Terry Webb replied to the topic 'Astroberry Bluetooth GPS' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi Radek,

OK - Looks like cgps and gpsmon are not installed by default - so ran apt-get update gpsd-utils and they become available.

So have ensured TomTom GPS device has a fix - shown by green led indicator flashing on device.
Ensured gps device attached by running rfcomm connect 0 mac-address - then system bluetooth icon shows it connected - and the device blue indicator flashing
Ensured gpsd was running - gpsd -b /dev/rfcomm0 used -b option as safety mode
Ran cgps and gpsmon - no data showing
Ran cat /dev/rfcomm0 - got usual gps data
Screenprint attached showing all the above.

Presume I am doing something wrong - assigning device to wrong serial port maybe?

Any help appreciated.



Terry Webb replied to the topic 'Astroberry Bluetooth GPS' in the forum. 5 years ago

Oops miniterm not minicom - got this:

astroberry@astroberry:~ $ miniterm /dev/rfcomm0
--- Miniterm on /dev/rfcomm0 9600,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---



Terry Webb replied to the topic 'Astroberry Bluetooth GPS' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi Radek,

Still have to go through the rfcomm process to get it to connect - but gpsmon and cgps and minicom are not found (are they installed, do I need to define a directory to run them?) ...

but 'cat /dev/rfcomm0' still provides data as per the previously attached file.

Don't know if that is the NMEA data or not but presume so.



astroberry@astroberry:~ $ sudo rfcomm connect 0 00:0D:B5:70:32:62 &
[1] 1253
astroberry@astroberry:~ $ Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 00:0D:B5:70:32:62 on channel 1
Press CTRL-C for hangup
astroberry@astroberry:~ $
astroberry@astroberry:~ $ gpsmon
bash: gpsmon: command not found
astroberry@astroberry:~ $ cgps
bash: cgps: command not found
astroberry@astroberry:~ $


Terry Webb created a new topic ' Astroberry Bluetooth GPS' in the forum. 5 years ago

Very happy with Astroberry - got it running on a Pi3B+ in my obsy but using it in client/servermode with Kstars/Ekos on my MacbookPro - now got a Pi4 so I can run it all standalone for outreach but having problems trying to connect an old Tom Tom GPS device to Astroberry so it can pick up date and location out in the field or at Outreach Events. Currently running Astroberry 2.0.0 - have run updates and upgrades.

Astroberry Bluetooth System Icon sees GPS device but would not connect with error 'No useable services' ...

So after lots of Googling ... on INDI site and others ... Talks about adding serial connections and rfcomm

Added --compat option to ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd in /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.bluez.service because Googling says Bluez 5 needs it for old devices -

Enabled Serial Communication in raspi-config -

Updated GPSD init script for /dev/rfcomm0 etc - As per INDI forum - See attached file.

Ran hcitool to get macaddress of TomTom BT GPS Device

Ran "rfcomm connect 0 macaddress &" and device connects to astroberry pi. Have to run it as rfcomm is no longer 'bound' (?) in some Pi OSes -

Used cat /dev/rfcomm0 and that shows some GPS data - See attached file

However even though device now seems to be connected - Astroberry GPS does not seem to get a fix - assigned GPSD as INDI device.

Can you help?

Do I have to run this? "gpsd -b /dev/rfcomm0" - although presume INDI runs that when you set up the GPSD device using the GPSD Init file.
Do I have to 'bind' rfcomm somehow - so that it connects at boot time without having to run commands.
Maybe I am just selecting the wrong devices in Astroberry/INDI?




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