as you can see in my screenshots I set the "non guide dither pulse" to 9999ms, which is to long for real imaging. Bu using that I was able to check, if dithering is used. I found out, that it is really moving the mount between the captures and you can also find a log entry in scheduler log like "dither completed" (I do not remember the correct log entry).
But I found also out, that the dithering is not randomly to all directions, one direction was preferred. For that reason the object was moved outside the chip area after some captures. But (as I said) for real captures nearly 10s is to much!


Hi all,

I am using unguided capturing with my 10micron mount but activated non guide dither pulse.

During capture session I can see the "green circle" ( screenshot) .

Probably guiding status is set to "active" because of the non guide dither pulse ?

After flip, guiding wants to start and an pop up error window is shown " same camera used for guiding" and waits for user action .
For that reason the capture sequence does not start after flip.

I did not configured a guider.

I have no idea, how to deactivate the automatic start of guiding after flip.

Probably someone else has an idea.

Kind regards,


Hi all,

I am actually faced with an interesting issue.
I am using KStars 3.3.9 with a 10Micron GM2000HPS.
Because my mount is connected with a GPS module, I decided to configure in general INDI Configuration, that Mount will update KStars Time and Location.

But randomly the time is set to UTC or Local Time after I connected the mount. I want Local Time in KStars.

In the log file I found following lines:

If Local Time is set (as I expect it):
[2020-01-19T08:47:50.359 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount] - Mount status changed from "Error" to "Idle"
[2020-01-19T08:47:50.667 CET INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Setting UTC time from device: LX200 10micron "So. Jan. 19 07:47:51 2020 GMT"
[2020-01-19T08:47:50.765 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars] - Daylight Saving Time inactive
[2020-01-19T08:47:50.765 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars] - Next Daylight Savings Time change (Local Time): "So. März 29 01:00:00 2020 GMT"
[2020-01-19T08:47:50.765 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars] - Next Daylight Savings Time change (UTC): "Sa. März 28 00:00:00 2020 GMT"

If UTC is set:
[2020-01-19T08:48:21.448 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount] - Mount status changed from "Error" to "Idle"
[2020-01-19T08:48:21.790 CET INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Setting UTC time from device: LX200 10micron "So. Jan. 19 06:48:22 2020 GMT"
[2020-01-19T08:48:21.889 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars] - Daylight Saving Time inactive
[2020-01-19T08:48:21.889 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars] - Next Daylight Savings Time change (Local Time): "So. März 29 01:00:00 2020 GMT"
[2020-01-19T08:48:21.889 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars] - Next Daylight Savings Time change (UTC): "Sa. März 28 00:00:00 2020 GMT"

As I can see in the log, in the second case the time is 2 hours after the local time. No idea why, because the mount shows on hand controller always the correct UTC or local time.
I am not able to reproduce the behaviour. Sometimes it sets UTC sometimes it sets GMT after connection.

Attached a log file of 2 connections.
Thank you for your support.



Hi all,
sorry for the stupid question above, but the problem was in front of the computer.
I will shorty describe, what I have done wrong and how it is configured now, probably it helps someone.

1. I created a profile containing only the mount and CCD (see picture 01_profile.png)
2. I started Ekos Driver and mount and CCD getting connected. And the Ekos windows is opened with all tabs for Setup, Scheduler, Mount, CCD, Focus, Align and Guide. (see picture 02_Ekos.png)
3. Then I go to CCD tab and configure the sequences. (03_CCD.png)
4. Then I changed to Guide Tab and I found, that my primary CCD is configured as guiding camera (and this confuses me) (04_Guide.png)
5. But this time I ignored this and opened the Options (lower right corner) for Guide. (05_configureGuide.png) Here I configured a very long "Non guide dither pulse" to see what happens.
6. Then I changed to Scheduler tab and configured my capture process. And here I did the next misconfiguration. I forgot to deactivate the guiding for every sequence (06_Schedule.png)

After setting this I was able to start the scheduler and the mount dithered between every picture.


Hi Jasem,
yes the mount, which I want to run without guiding, supports guiding.
It is a 10micron GM2000HPS and I want to connect it via Ethernet.



Hi all,

first of all I wish all of you a Happy New Year.

I am a new user of INDI, KStars and Ekos and I want to configure my astro photography setup with short focal length without guiding (another guide scop or OAG).

I already checked the forum and I found, that there is an option "Non-Guide Dither Pulse", but how can I configure this and how it is working ?

In Ekos -> Options ... there is no possibility to configure guid options.
The only way how to activate the "Non-Guide Dither Pulse" option is, to configure and connect a Guider and than go to Ekos -> Guide Tab -> Options... Than it is possible to configure this option. But I don't want a guider.

So my question is: What is the correct way to configure and use dither without guiding.

1. Should I configure a guider simulator and connect this to have a chance to activate "Non-Guide Dither Pulse" ?
If yes, how should I handle this during a real photo sequence ? Should I remove the configured guide simulator ? Is the "Non-Guide Dither Pulse" still active ?

Or exists another way to configure that correctly ?

I am using KStars 3.3.9.

I hope I was able to describe the issue clearly.

Thank you for your support.



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    07. 03. 1971
  • About me
    I am practicing astrophotography since some years and I am just trying to use INDI, KSTARS and EKOS to control my equipment.