Hi Folks,

I am looking for information on how to use the DSLR driver (I have a Canon 550d) to take a picture.

I am wanting to try a custom focus routine and indilib can integrate all the equipment like the camera, mount, and focus motor. But it is not clear to me how to ask the DSLR driver to take a picture.

I can see the properties through the command line indi_getprop, but it isn't clear what I would have to do to get the camera to take a picture.

Is there a guide somewhere?



Clendon Gibson created a new topic ' EKOS and Lunar Tracking' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi Folks,

I am wondering how well EKOS tracks the moon.

Some mounts track the moon like it is a star moving at a different rate. There are 2 problems with this. One is that the rate is an average. Sometimes it is fine, and sometimes it isn't. The other issue is that the moon moves in two directions. It moves in both right ascension and declination because of the slight angle of the moons orbit around Earth. So the tracking is only good for a few minutes depending on the focal length. Or it may be good for a long time. At least that is my experience with the Skywatcher AZ-GTi. Some nights it tracks well, and some not at all. The theory I just wrote is my best explanation so far as to why.

I am using a DSLR to photograph the moon and at about 6 seconds a shot (to prevent mirror shake) it takes a long time to get a set of shots.

I wanted to try EKOS and last night went through the hoops. As a test it was a failure because the network connection between the Synscan app on my tablet and the GTi kept dropping out. For the little stretch everything worked it seemed to track very well. Finally it got so the GTi hotspot wouldn't show up at all. That is when I packed it in.

I think the wifi problem was due to the some dozen of wifi hotspots visible from my back yard. In which case the solution is an EQMOD cable. These run some $40 to $50, so I thought I would ask before investing the money.

So how does EKOS track the moon?



Hi folks!

I sat down last night to get a Raspberry Pi 3 running Astroberry to talk to my AZ-GTi. This was all indoors as I am still trying to figure out things.

I finally managed to get them to talk. I had to connect to Astroberry from my computer on Ethernet so I could set the WiFi to the GTi hotspot.

After that I had to wrangle the EQMOD settings, which require knowing the IP address of the GTi. In hotspot mode this is always, which is one reason to use hotspot mode.

After that, things went pretty well. But I can't imagine doing this outside, or worse in the field somewhere. Part of the reason to use the PI was so I didn't have to lug a computer along, but you need a computer to change settings in the PI. (I would like to use KStars Lite on my tablet.)

I figure I am doing this wrong. Or there is an easier way. How do you usually set up a Skywatcher AZ-GTi with Astroberry?



I have a Debian machine. That is for an Ubuntu repo. Mixing them is apparently a bad idea (TM).


Specifically the section on Frankendebian.


Hi Folks,

I am new to Indi and Ekos.

I have a laptop running Debian Buster. I installed KStars from the package manager. I couldn't find the eqmod driver which I need to connect to my Skywatcher AZ GTi. I found the other drivers and the eqmod driver was not there.

So I DL'd the source, compiled it, and placed it the directory with the other drivers. Still when I try to configure Ekos, I can't find the eqmod driver.

Is there a config screen or a config file I need to update to let Ekos know the driver is there?


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