Larkin Selman replied to the topic 'Nikon DSLR conflict' in the forum. 2 years ago

I have used both a D7100 and D780 with EKOS with no problem. I have gifted my D7100 and use the D780 as my main personal/semiprofessional camera, leaving my D750 as my backup and astrophotography camera.

Prior to being in a position where I could revert the D750 to factory settings, whenever I would attempt an exposure with the D750, I always received the error message: "Exposure failed to save image... Unspecified error"

Since reverting to factory settings, the D750 has worked well for me. However, now that I am attempting to become more advanced in my astrophotography, I have found that when I attempt bias images with the D750, the system will acquire and save a single bias image, but will abort any further images with the same "Exposure failed to save image... Unspecified error" message. I receive a similar message with any light, or other category of image with an exposure time of less than 0.005 sec.

I have used the INDI Control Panel settings that you and others have recommended with no resolution of the problem.. Do you have any suggestions?
