Pavel replied to the topic 'iEXOS100 Mount Tested With PMC8 Driver' in the forum. 5 years ago

Setting the SlewRate according to the magnitude of the joystick inTelescope::processNSWE() e.g.:

It would probably be useful to put some minimal threshold there, so it would become:
Or maybe a logarithmic scale would be more adequate than linear?
Of course, the condition "if (mag < 0.5)" at the beginning would probably change into "if (mag < minThreshold)" and later "if (mag > 0.9)" into "if (mag > minThreshold)". Is it a bad idea? I hope it could work well for nSlewRate=4, as currently provided by the PMC8 driver. I am not sure about all the 9 speeds available in ExploreStars, if ever implemented by the PMC8 driver. It would need testing in practice and it would probably depend on the particular joystick. My DIY thumb-joystick would probably not offer really exact control of too many speeds, but maybe I would not mind. So, maybe it would raise desire for even more configurability of the joystick settings - such as a toggle between the current "digital" control with a preset speed, and this kind of "analog" control with variable speed.