Hello. Thank you for the response. I'm pursuing a different method which doesn't use INDI, so I don't have that configuration available at the moment. But, as I remember: connect the RPi to the wifi access point of the Nexus, setup the LX200 Basic mount configuration in INDI to use Ethernet and configure the IP address and port number (which Nexus uses) within INDI. The Nexus becomes the wifi hub and will sync with any movement instructions from INDI. If using Sky Safari, just connect Sky Safari to Nexus in the same way. Nexus will sync to any commands from Sky Safari plus echo the commands to INDI and vice versa.


Thank you for looking! Background: I’ve been experimenting with using the Indi Plate-Solving module to correct alignment slop in my Dob/Sky Safari/Nexus DSC/Servocat setup. I was able to achieve getting the RPi4/Stellarmate environment working together with my setup, but realized I would need to script Ekos in order to automate a solve/align after each goto/slew. I discovered a link on Cloudynights pointing to a Github project which looks very similar to what I would like to achieve.  github.com/gordtulloch/PiINDIControlPad/...6a2abe4cc452034c6ba9  INSTALLATION   
   On Debian or Ubuntu:  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa  sudo apt-get update  sudo apt install git indi-full gsc kstars-bleeding swig libcfitsio-dev libnova-dev python3-tk  
   git clone github.com/gordtulloch/PiINDIControlPad.git  cd PiINDIControlPad  pip3 install --user pipenv  pipenv install astropy pyindi-client numpy tzlocal tk I’m having some issues completing the installation instructions: My first attempt involved using my Stellarmate OS and trying to apply the installation “on top”. Raspian doesn’t seem to recognize the “ppa” structure. I created a new Ubuntu (20.10) install but am having issues with 1)      Gsc  Module not found2)      Pyindi-client  Error Also, Ubuntu seems incredibly slow compared to a Rasbian install. Could there be another option which would perform better? Or perhaps a method to make this project compatible with Stellarmate? Would someone be kind enough to help me work through these issues? I would be happy to pay for your time or contribute to your favorite charity. Any suggestions are appreciated!   


Bentley Ousley replied to the topic '1.5 - Checksums do not match' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. So ... you aren't getting the "1 failed device" notice from Etcher? Any ideas about what might be happening? I tried the SD card in RPI4 and the Stellarmate functionality seems to work. I would feel better if I knew the cause for the error.


Bentley Ousley created a new topic ' 1.5 - Checksums do not match' in the forum. 5 years ago

Is there a known issue with Etcher showing a "Checksums do not match" message for 1.5? The hash is fine, but when flashing to Etcher it shows "1 failed device" with the checksum error. I've tried redownloading the image, using a different SD card, even using a different card reader. Still the same issue.


Tried doing the same actions using only simulators in the profile and it still crashes to desktop. Also tried "Capture and Solve" with the simulator profile, it also crashes. Thought I would try submitting the image directly to Astrometry.net. The result is: the image is solved without an issue. Fingers crossed for 1.5.0.


Thank you for the response. Yes, hoping that Stellarmate 1.5.0 will resolve the issue.


I'm involved in a project to use the Stellarmate align module to make my large dob (Nexus/ServoCat) center the requested object in the field more accurately by using plate solving after a GOTO slew. The weather finally allowed me to do some field testing last week. I captured some images during testing. I attempted to use one of the images I had captured to do a "Load and Slew" but Kstars and Ekos both crashed to desk top upon selection of the image. I'm on RPI4 and Stellarmate 1.4.6. Any suggestions are appreciated.


TLDR: Connection to Mount (Nexus DSC / ServoCat) seems to be working. Camera recommendations for plate solving? Resources for triggering plate solving after each “GOTO”?

Long version: Thank you all for your gracious help. I took the plunge and bought an RPI4, a cheap SVBONY camera and a copy of Stellarmate OS. Not having used a single board computer before, the learning curve has been steep. I now have the Nexus DSC / ServoCat scope responding to “Goto” commands from either Kstars or Sky Safari. The setup was a bit different than I originally planned, but it is also simpler. It turns out that I didn’t need to use the Sky Safari driver within Stellarmate (although I did get it to work.) Sky Safari (through an Android tablet WIFI) connects directly to Nexus DSC / ServoCat (exactly as before).By connecting Stellarmate to the Nexus DSC hotspot and using “LX200 Basic” mount in the profile, I’m able to control the mount from Kstars. This arrangement updates the telescope position in Kstars when Sky Safari does a GOTO and likewise updates the telescope position in Sky Safari when Kstars does a GOTO.

I’ve spent a bit of time playing with the camera. I’ve been able to run a sequence of captures. The “Auto Detect” was great, being that SVBONY doesn’t show up in the dropdown list. It is “detected” as another brand. Probably pretty common for inexpensive Chinese made cameras. I did notice that the lightness of the images seem to vary greatly from one exposure to the next. Bad camera? Any recommendations for a camera that works well for plate solving within Stellarmate?

I guess my next goal is to try doing some plate solves. Eventually I would like to arrive at automatically triggering a plate solve and realignment whenever a goto is completed. I would imagine this would involve some scripting? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Thank you all for your kind advice. I'm considering buying a device on which to try driving Nexus DSC using the INDI protocols. Since I am a "noob" to Raspberry Pi, I'm strongly considering buying a Stellarmate dedicated device in order to start with a platform which I know is working out-of-the-box and then experimenting with adapting the configuration to my purpose.

Questions: I know Raspberry Pi 4 is in Beta for Stellarmate. How close is Raspberry Pi 4 / Stellarmate to stable for my use case? Any date for a (dedicated hardware )RPi4 / Stellarmate release? I see online some folks are getting tremendous performance boosts by booting from an SSD attached through USB3. Anyone have experience with that approach?


Thank you again. Good information. The protocol I use for Sky Safari to communicate with Nexus DSC is indeed LX200.

Since Sky Safari (on an Android tablet) expects to connect with WIFI as a client and Nexus DSC expects to connect with WIFI as an adhoc network, is there going to be an issue with Stellarmate connecting as a WiFI client to Nexus DSC while also connecting to Sky Safari (on an Android tablet) as an adhoc network?


Thank you for your reply and for your generous offer of support. I am not yet a Stellarmate owner. I was trying to gauge whether my application using my current equipment was likely to be possible. I have a limited understanding of the Stellarmate system, but with what I've been able to glean, I see that a driver/interface exists for Sky Safari(wifi). It seems that using this driver/interface, goto/slew/alignment commands from Sky Safari can be sent to Stellarmate and sync commands from Stellarmate can be received by Sky Safari.

Here is one point that I don't understand. On my system, Nexus DSC / ServoCat is functioning as a mount in that it receives goto/slew/alignment commands from Sky Safari via WIFI and then moves the scope to the target. In my current system, Nexus DSC acts as an adhoc WIFI network for connection to Sky Safari. Is it possible for Stellarmate to "see" the Nexus DSC / ServoCat as a mount and attach as a WIFI client, while still "seeing" Sky Safari through WIFI and acting as a host?

Question: How can this be set up such that the Stellarmate acts as an intermediary between Sky Safari and Nexus DSC / SevoCat?


I use the Nexus DSC to drive the ServoCat in my 20" f/3.3 New Moon Telescope. Sky Safari is connected via the internal wifi and is used to align and control goto functions.

Recently, I was reading a thread on CloudyNights which featured a design for a DIY hardware/software solution to allow plate-solving alignment for Sky Safari:


I contacted the poster and he suggested that a Stellarmate running Ekos using the INDI drivers for Sky Safari might allow me to adapt my GOTO system to use plate-solving alignment (making use of a small independently operating camera.) .

My ultimate goal would be a system which could plate-solve after each GOTO and correct the inherent "slop" in the system.

Question: Do you know of anyone using something similar in a big-dob ServoCat setup? Is Nexus DSC compatible with Stellarmate?

Ideas, opinions and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

-Bentley Ousley


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    15. 09. 1959
  • About me
    Interested in Nexus DSC, Servocat, Sky Safari support