Kevin Vella created a new topic ' Ekos Crashes' in the forum. 4 years ago

So I'm posting this after what I believed to be a solid system for my stellarmete steup.

I'm currently using a raspberry pi 4 8gb with stellarmate os and all devices are powered by a usb hub with 3 amp power for the pi. I connect the camera and guider directly to the pi.
I then connect to the stalemate wifi server from my home PC through by local network.

Image transfer are sent to my main pc through wifi. This has proved to be around 20 seconds of transfer.

Yesterday I went out again and the transfer was 120 seconds. However the worst part is that Ekos crashed after 1 hour after imaging.
This is ofcourse a huge bummer as you need to initiate guiding and all sorts of settings again.

My options to try to solve this is

Install Kstars and ekos on the pi and remote on the PI
Save images on the PI with an external storage device

This way I'm not at the mercy of the network any more.

Anyone is doing it like so? Am I doing something wrong?


Wow I have been scratching my head all night because of this same problem. Was troubleshooting guiding with the mount switched off... Thanks!


I just want to highlight that when switching the primary CCD imaging to the guide cam and take an exposure, the image is visible on the summary screen. This is simply not working with the Canon DSLR. Ill try moving the user database as recommended and report back my findings.



Thanks for getting back to me.

I have updated KStars to the latest v3.3.8 version. This did not seem to solve the issue.

I've played around quite a lot with the settings and cannot seem to get it to work such as summary preview enabled/disabled, fits viewer enabled/disabled and DSLR image preview enabled/disabled.
The CCD that I'm using is a Canon 700D.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue with the latest build?



Hi Eric

I'm also experiencing the same issue. Do you happen to have an update for this?



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    Avid astronomer from the Maltese islands