Frédéric CORNU replied to the topic 'ALS - Astro Live Stacker' in the forum. 4 years ago

hi and thanks for the feedback

Filtering outliers would indeed be very usefull. We'd need to check its impact on performance.
Regarding auto-restart : as ALS is not connected to the mount (and won't be in a near future) we would need to rely on repeated alignment failures to assume user slewed to a new target. Would be worth a test.

Please fee free to create feature requests as issues on ALS's repo at .Who knows, we might find some time or horsepower to put them into ALS




Frédéric CORNU replied to the topic 'ALS - Astro Live Stacker' in the forum. 4 years ago

Some news : ALS v0.7-alpha2 is out !

Just needs a few little cleanups before an official v0.7 release.

What's new since we last spoke :

  • switchable night mode
  • switchable 'save on stop' mode
  • allow manual choice of Bayer pattern for demosaicing
  • Various eye candy and stability stuff

This was made possible by the feedback you guys gave us. This is MUCH appreciated

Test away =>

Thanks again and clear skies to all


Frédéric CORNU replied to the topic 'ALS - Astro Live Stacker' in the forum. 4 years ago

DerPit wrote: Sorry for not stating explicitly. As in the signature, this is an openSUSE Tumbleweed (rolling release, so quite recent packages of everything).
I can also open a ticket in you issue tracker, if you prefer that.

Yes, please. A ticket would be great
Thanks in advance :)


Frédéric CORNU replied to the topic 'ALS - Astro Live Stacker' in the forum. 4 years ago

DerPit wrote: ...
Then I tried to get the git version and do the venv install. But this one fails with installing the requirements, as there is no opencv-python== available.
Using (available) instead collides with the requested numpy version. At that point, I gave up....

Hi DerPit and thanks for your report and your efforts
Would you mind telling me what system you tried ALS on ?
We'll find a fix

Thanks again


Frédéric CORNU replied to the topic 'ALS - Astro Live Stacker' in the forum. 4 years ago

Yes it can !

8 bits, 16 bits, 32bits, unsigned, signed, integers, floats.... anything fits :D

As well as common DSLR RAW files

clear skies


Frédéric CORNU replied to the topic 'ALS - Astro Live Stacker' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi again folks

Nightly ALS builds are now available for the 4 main target platforms : GNU/Linux, OSX, Windows and Raspberry Pi 4
Simply browse to and pick a release.
Just test away and shoot us with your results. We'll do our best to make ALS as great as you guys want it to be



Frédéric CORNU replied to the topic 'ALS - Astro Live Stacker' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi again everyone and apologies, once again, for the long silence.

Recent times have been quite hectic for us and I guess it is for most of you guys.

Blueshawk wrote: I gave this a try the other night by simulating file drops with old data and found it does a wonderful job! I think it may be working better than my regular one even.(Siril)
I was wondering if you guys have considered making an option to use it as a regular stacker(load a file selection to be processes), or maybe a forked version to be developed into a processing app.

Bravo! :dancers:

Thanks for the nice feedback.

We haven't considered making a standalone app for 'regular stacking'. To be honest, I doubt ALS does a better job than Siril. It may be faster for a decent result, that what ALS is made for, but regular stacking is out of our roadmap, for now.

@El Corazon : I haven't looked into your specific journal space-eating issue yet. I'll try and reproduce it. But I do think this is a system related issue, out of ALS scope.
There are many ways to share files on a network. rsync is one of them. (even though it is file copy) NFS is another one...

I'll ping you guys soon

Clear skies and be safe


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    01. 07. 1973
  • About me
    Astrophotographer and developer of various tools