John created a new topic ' Simple Custom Mount Driver' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi, I'm building a custom Alt-Az fork mount

for which I have written a driver in C. It is controlled via PWM and PID in a closed loop system and is driven by the Raspberry Pi 3B+ GPIO pins. I would like to access the GOTO and tracking capabilities of KSTAR and PHD2, respectively, by utilizing the INDI protocol.

Unfortunately, I'm a little confused about how Indi works. The overview is quite clear from the guide on this site, but the details are not clear to me at all. How do I interface my custom driver with the Indi protocol? All my driver does now is moves the two axes with the arrow keys at varying speeds with PWM and PID. How can I interface my control driver (firmware, if you will) with tutorial_two: simplescope.cpp, for example? Honestly, I don't really understand most of what simplescope.cpp is doing. There are a lot of methods being called which don't seem to have much content in the associated header. It's a little tough to follow.

Surely, people do this all the time, but I cannot find a guide about how to do this anywhere. The documentation is a little daunting, and some help navigating it would be appreciated.

I really appreciate what you guys are doing with Indi.