Kajetan replied to the topic 'StellarMate App Development' in the forum. 5 years ago

There is also problem when there is an error or warning message as a separate window. Then the app stop responding (I mean that par where you set up your session, align etc) and you have to connect via VNC and close that window.


So why I was getting different PA error every time I was doing this (without correcting PA, just to see if it show the same PA error every time which it doesn't)?


I'm talking about Polar Align, which have to do solve. You need to rotate RA axis two times (to get three photos from different positions) about 30 degree (at least from what I understand)


I'm using Star Adventurer, so I have to do manual slew. The movement must be exactly 30 degree to give correct results?


I've tried to use ASAP solver, but when I want to choose it it tells me that it isn't installed. How to install it?
Also I've tried doin Polar alignment in ekos, but it can't solve view from my guiding scope (ASI120MC clone and 130mm focal lenght), that's why I wanted to try solve it with ASAP in Ekos. Okay, so I've used my 6D with 200mm lens and it solved. I've done the polar alignment process (with manual slew) and after correction I've done it again just to see what PE error I had after this and it shown higher error than before so without correcting I've done the process again to see if it will show the same error and no, it shown way differen PA Error. Why?


Reach to the SM developer, he will give you a link to download. There are some problems with the page I think, I can't download any SM because when I open ,,Downloads -> StellarmateOS'' it opens ,,orders'' tab and there is nothing. I've send him a message on facebook and he gave me a link to download it.


First of all try new SM 1.4.5 which is already 64bit. As I know there are some improvements in Kstars/Ekos as well.


Kajetan replied to the topic 'Stellarmate 1.4.4 rpi4 problems' in the forum. 5 years ago

I reached to the online chat on SM page and I have answer.
2. fixed in recent update. APP didn't support manual slew in polar alignment and if you had no telescope set it would crash.
3. I was dumb. If you're using mount that you can't connect directly to the SM you need to use mount simulator and then manual slew in the PA tab (it's now active)


Kajetan replied to the topic 'Stellarmate 1.4.4 rpi4 problems' in the forum. 5 years ago

It's not wifi issues, it happen when I'm using rpi4 with screen, mouse and keyboard connected directly (except for the point 2 which is app issue).

I just wonder If I'm the only one who have align and polar align tab in Ekos inactiwe on rpi4?


Kajetan created a new topic ' Stellarmate 1.4.4 rpi4 problems' in the forum. 5 years ago

Finally had about an hour of clear sky to test SM for the first time and I had some problems.
1. First of all, after some time (about half of an hour) it disconnect and I can't do anything. I can connect to the wifi, but I can't connect to id via VNC or just app. The only solution is to restart it by unplugging power cable.
2. Mobile app crashes every time I want to start do a polar align and I think it can be because of poin 3.
3. When I want to make Polar Align using VNC the whole Align tab is inactive, I can't use it any way.
4. When I want to control it via mobile app itself (not via vnc) I need to register almost every time when I'm connecting to it.

Anyone have any of this problems on rpi4?


Kajetan replied to the topic 'Star Adventurer guiding setting' in the forum. 5 years ago

Okay, thanks!


Kajetan created a new topic ' Star Adventurer guiding setting' in the forum. 5 years ago

I'm configuring my setup in the stellarmate app. I've connected my guiding camera and canon 6D bum I'm confused with mount. I have Star Adventurer, and st4 cable is coming from the guiding camera (T7 astrocamera, ASI120MC clone). What option I have to choose in the ,,Mount'' list to get it working?


I think I've had the problem from point 1 as well and I think it was because I was just unplugging power cable. After few times it had problems with booting correctly. After reflashing sd card and turning it off with ,,shutdown'' button in the app I have no more problems.

Good to hear that SM update is coming AstroNerd! ;) Would be good to have mobile app update as well, with some more features but I guess we have to wait longer for it.


Okay, with help of my friend I managed to update the firmware with this updater and now it works! Thanks!


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    09. 01. 1999
  • About me
    Amateur astrophotographer, landscape/storm photographer based in Poland