Jack Sharp replied to the topic 'Pegasus UPB Focuser' in the forum. 5 years ago

Tested this morning and it works ! :-)

on power up the focuser is reporting its position correctly and I am able to focus in/out repeatedly and by however much I set in the step size box.

obviously haven't tested autofocus yet but as soon as I get some clear skies I'll report back.

Thank-you very much for sorting this out so quickly Jasem. As I mentioned I'm testing INDIGO out too and so far INDI/Stellarmate is winning as INDIGO doesn't support my flip-flat yet and this little issue seems to have been sorted in very quick time. They are writing a driver for me to test though so you both get 100% for support.

quick supplemenatry question......I have Stellarnmate OS installed on one SD card and Indigo sky installed on another. Am I right in thinking that while testing both options out, I'm ok to power down and swap OS's without fear of casuing harm to anything ? I can't see any reason why it should.

Thanks again