Jack Sharp replied to the topic 'Pegasus UPB Focuser' in the forum. 5 years ago

added note......

I've played about with INDIGO SKY today and have got the focuser to behave normally focusing in/out in EKOS....daytime so can't test autofocus.
The position reports correctly in Ekos and APT which leads me to believe that the position not reporting properly under INDI is what is causing my problem.
However, in INDIGO there isn't a section to set maximum position limit so APT will not focus out (apparently needs max limit reported or ya get an error messae) so still not 100% sorted in that software under INDIGO. I will test APT using INDI once I've swapped back to stellarmate OS.
INDIGO seperates the focusing side of the UPB from the rest of its functions....is there similar for INDI?

I'm now stuck though.....Unfortunately APT doesn't have support for my flip-flat yet and I haven't figured out how to use it in Indigo yet as it's not yet a fully supported device. This means I can't fully utilise everything. INDI supports everything but the focusing is an issue. INDIGO does allow me to focus properly but I have no support for my flip-flat and can't focus in APT properly. I would like to get everything working all at once but for now....at least I have my usb cables running to the mount still and can connect everything up to windows pc for imaging runs.

If anyone has any suggestions.......please chip in. :-)

quick thought.....if INDIGO is backward compatible to INDI (that's the impression I get when reading the VERY limited resources I've found).....could I load the INDI flip-flat driver into INDIGO ?