Jack Sharp replied to the topic 'Pegasus UPB Focuser' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi Jasem,
Should be a log attached for you.... if I've done it right.....
summary of what I did in this test.....

done during the day while focused on a distant tree so only tested moving the focuser in and out.....no chance of testing autofocus for a while as the weather is awful atm. I focused using the windows app, which is reporting current focuser position properly and opertaing normally.
I then disconnected the UPB from windows, connected it up to my RPi4 with stellarmate OS installed and turned everything on.

directly controlling kstars/ekos with remote vnc viewer connection to equipment via firefox on observatory windows pc (doesn't make any difference if I use the Linux pc in the house)

connected to equipment and opened INDI control panel, synced focus motor to current position in focus tab of UPB (as measured by official windows app)

opened focus tab in EKOS and tried moving focuser in and out. it will move in/out once but if you try to focus again in the same direction, it doesn't move. if you focus in the opposite direction it does move however.....

foucser was synced to 7000 but the current value never changes. if you focus in by 500 it will move to physical position 6500 but the current position reported stays at 7000. If you then focus back out by 500 it moves but it moves to physical position 7500 and the current value remains at 7000.

Seems to me the current position not changing is the issue?? Hope that's some of the info you need to help me on this one, not sure what the log can tell you so figured some background on what I was doing might help ?

Thanks in advance