Jack Sharp created a new topic ' Pegasus UPB Focuser' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi all,

Hoping someone can help with this little issue I'm having please. I'm a noob to INDI/Kstars/Linux etc and have setup a RPi4 with Stellarmate OS on it. I can connect all my equipment and control it on all pc's at home including a tablet to operate it via the stellarmate app. I can image, I can guide, I can platesolve etc. What I can't do is use the focuser properly from EKOS.

I am using the Pegasus stepper motor that came with the UPB and I can focus using the Pegasus UPB section of the INDI control panel but cannot find anything giving me the focusers current position.

It is when I try to use the focusing section of EKOS I run into problems though......I am able to input an absolute position and click the button to send the focuser to that position, and that works.
If I press the focus in/out buttons it racks the focuser all the way in to 50 (focuser was at position 5000 and step size set to 50)
If I start an autofocus routine the software reports that the focuser is going to be moved but the focuser doesn't move at all and the autofocus routine hangs....presumably because it's waiting for a response to say the focuser has actually moved.

Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere ? Any help greatly appreciated. I am a Noob and can post screenshots if necessary but if you want any techy info from say the command line etc... please just explain how to get that info. I am fairly savvy when it comes to PC's, I just haven't learned all the commands for Linux yet.

Many Thanks in advance